Navigating September 2023 Monthly Support

The themes for September are: “Recapitulation – Release”

The themes for September are: “Recapitulation – Release”Lena Sevens – Recapitulation is a recapture, remembrance, and retelling of experiences, choices, actions and relationships from the past in order to digest, neutralize and file them away without any residual emotional charge. The release is the act of letting go of any attachment to the emotional content of the past event or memory.

This includes nostalgic reminiscences of “good times” as well as reminders of traumatic or uncomfortable experiences we would rather forget. What is being recapitulated usually holds some degree of judgment or comparison, with the attachment to how we have defined it holding the memory hostage until it is released with a good deep sigh into neutral territory. Continue reading

Being In Flow – A New Era

Being In FlowIam Saums – In March 2020, we were given a remarkable opportunity to shift the paradigm of human being, expression and existence. A manmade virus infected us with widespread fear, driving us deeper into social and political anxiety, division, enslavement, judgment and isolation.

We took the bait; hook, line and sinker, never questioning the artificiality besieging us. Amidst it all, the opportunity was to observe, distinguish and sever our conditioned dependence upon social reality. Alignment and relativity with our heart, intuition and soul was ever-present, expressed within the resonance of a universal energetic shift humanity had ever experienced. Continue reading

Tips For Self Growth

self growthPeople of all ages are on their own journeys of self-growth, and most never stop learning and growing. While everyone grows a little bit naturally with age, it can take a lot of hard work to reach your full potential and continue on your path to self-development and self-discovery.

If you are feeling like your personal growth is being hindered in some way, you might be frustrated with the process. But there is a lot you can do to help yourself get out of that rut.

Here are 3 great tips for self-growth. Continue reading