Make Self-Love A Lifestyle

Self love is the keyMichael Eisen – We need to make self-love a lifestyle, not just a practice! I truly believe that the root cause of the majority of the challenges and problems that we as humans face is a lack of self-love, self-worth and self-respect. This is the true epidemic that we face at this time in our evolution.

The funny thing is, though: we are all born with the natural ability to love, respect and value ourselves. It is not something we need to learn how to do as we grow up – for the most of us it is something we just need to remember. If you don’t believe me, go spend some time with a 2 year old. They will show you how easy it is to love and value ourselves. Continue reading

We’re emotionally crossing into new territory

worrying about social moresBrenda Hoffman – Perhaps you feel unsure of your actions and reactions. Similar to how you felt when you were learning to maneuver your bicycle without training wheels.

Such is so because you are emotionally crossing into new territory. A land of heeding your needs and hopes instead of those of others. At the same time, others are in a similar process. So it feels – and rightly so – as if two-year-olds reign in your world.

Of course, stating it in that fashion makes you laugh, for you can see how ludicrous your emotional shifts have become. Your friends, relatives, co-workers, and employers are reacting similarly, allowing for an all-out mixture of me, me, me. Continue reading

Become an Empowered Empath

empathsDiana Harris – If you take on other people’s energy, feel responsible for other people’s emotions, want to emotionally shut down, feel that your feelings shift with the tides of the day, or are easily depleted – please read on.

The above are just some of the symptoms that keep us from embracing the gift of our hearts – our empath ability. The world has felt overwhelming these last years. We are living in a time of tremendous shift.

Many empaths have not learned to manage their gift because they have been busy trying to stay in the boat during rough water. So, how do we take care of ourselves, navigate the ever-changing waters of our lives, and maintain our center during these times?

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The true nature of self love

loveThe Angels – We would wish for each of you to love yourself without condition. We would love for you to look in the mirror each morning and see the Presence of the loving Divine. We would sing for joy if you could build yourselves up when talking to self or others, rather than casually putting yourselves down.

We know you feel good about yourselves at times. We also see how easily so many you find fault with yourselves.

In the heavens, we see only your perfection. We see only your light. We beat witness to all you do that is kind and loving, and when you are having a less-than-loving moment, we see only the love beneath that is trying to emerge. We see you in your pure potential – a soul enlivened, healthy, happy, expressed, and in awe of oneself. We know you have many challenges.

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