Self Love and Self Healing

Self LoveDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This week we have the Sun moving into Aquarius. We also have another kind of bunching of planets and some strong influences for both healing and for love influences.

So my suggestion for this week is Self Love and Self Healing. Give yourself a little bit of personal pampering time. Do something fun – maybe make a healthy meal, take some time for pampering your body, go get a massage, that kind of thing. So the energy is good for it. Continue reading

Venus Retrograde: A Journey Into Ourselves

venus retrogradeHenry Seltzer & Leslie Benson – For as long as humans have walked the earth we have looked fondly toward the heavens to gaze upon one of the brightest points in our sky— the lovely lady Venus. Astrologically she represents love, beauty, connection, values, and the material earthly realm. Venus will station retrograde on March 4th, 2017 in Aries, appearing to travel backwards in the sky through Aries and into the last degrees of Pisces, dipping under the horizon as she makes her journey from her current place as the evening star to rising once again as the morning star.

Venus retrograde tends to be a time when our energy turns more inward, and the ways that we connect others can take on a different feeling tone. Current relationships may come under the microscope for re-evaluation, and people from the past may be more in your mind and heart than usual. You may even feel called to contact those loved ones from your past with whom you’ve lost connection; alternatively ex-lovers and friends could be coming out of the woodwork for a surprise hello!

Venus retrograde is also very much about self-love, and any areas where we may be struggling with issues of believing in oneself will likely come to the fore. During this time, where we lack self-worth could be reflected to us or brought into our awareness, maybe even with a harsh and unflinching tone. Our relationships— not just romantic, but all types of connections— tend to reveal to us where we have not learned to love ourselves fully, and this may appear to us in the form of judgment or criticism of others.

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The Peace That Is Always Here

Mary O’Malley – At the beginning of a new year, we tend to get on the bandwagon of making ourselves be better or different than what we are. And yet the statistics show that this doesn’t work. People decide they’re going to lose weight, only to discover that they gain the weight back plus some. Gym memberships are up dramatically at the first of the year. And yet eventually most people stop going to the gym.

It is fascinating to me that in all our wanting ourselves to be better or different than what we are, we lose sight of the most powerful healing we can give ourselves: to accept our own selves as we are. Your mind may be resisting this because you, like most people, have been trained to live on the treadmill of feeling that you will be okay when you lose weight, or make more money, or find the perfect mate, and on and on and on.

Elizabeth Kubler Ross, author of the groundbreaking book on death and dying, once had a T-shirt made that said, “I’m not okay. You’re not okay. And that’s 0K!” What would happen if you understood that accepting yourself as you are is not a powerless place? In fact, it is one of the most empowering gifts you can give to yourself. And it is definitely not selfish, it is self-full.

What would happen if you understood that falling in love with yourself will not only bring more joy into your life, but also it will help heal the world? Or, as I said in a quote I posted on Facebook “Be kind with all that is unkind inside of you. This will help heal you, your loved ones and the world.”

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Vow to love yourself

loveThe Angels – If you could love yourselves, your real selves, then most of you would find yourself living a vastly different and more beautiful life. Self Love, as we speak of it, is not simply “feeling good” about yourself. It is not feeling as if you are better than anyone else. It is not simply doing nice things for yourself. It is, instead, being willing to acknowledge the light of Divinity within you… no matter what.

Self love allows you to receive our help. Self love places you in an energy field of truth, in which the Creator and your angels have the ability to assist you. Self love makes you desire to be kind to others and compassionate even to those who hurt you.

When you give yourself the love you are seeking you do not depend on others to do it for you. When you acknowledge your own divine spark in even your darkest times, you can acknowledge it in others, even when they are in the depths of their own darkness. When you see who and what you truly are, you will not allow yourself to be in unkind circumstances for long… for you will know your power to create change and you will know that the entire universe is behind you.

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Are You In An Abusive Relationship With Yourself?

treatNanice Ellis – Did you know that more than 20% of the global population is in an abusive relationship with a partner or family member? This sounds like a big number, until you consider that somewhere around 80% of the world’s population is in an abusive relationship with themselves – and most don’t even know it.

The Stranger in the Mirror is You!

The best way to see if you abuse yourself is to imagine that someone else is treating you the way you treat yourself. How would you feel if …

  • Your friend spoke to you, the way you speak to yourself?
  • Your significant other neglected you, the way you neglect yourself?
  • Your co-worker judged you, the way you judge yourself?

In most cases, if others treated us the way we treat ourselves, we would feel abused, and we would be right. If it’s not okay for others to treat us abusively, why is it okay to treat ourselves this way?

Maybe it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but trust me, it really, really is! The harm we unconsciously do to ourselves manifests as issues, challenges and missed opportunities, and when self-abuse goes on day after day, sooner or later, it shows up in our health and finances.

But, why do we abuse or neglect ourselves?

Understanding Self-Abuse

Self-abuse is the natural consequence of withholding self-love, because when we don’t love ourselves, we instinctually don’t treat ourselves well, but what prevents self-love?

The reason why so many of us have huge blocks, when it comes to self-love, is due to the fact that we have been falsely taught that we must prove our worth, over and over again, before we are worthy of love. This dynamic causes most people to go through their lives secretly feeling unworthy, and, therefore, withholding self-love.

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