Why Stockpiling and Remote Hideaways Won’t Work

Self-Reliance, Taoism and the Warring StatesCharles Hugh Smith – I’m not trying to be difficult, but I can’t help cutting against the grain on topics like surviving the coming bad times when my experience runs counter to the standard received wisdom.

A common thread within most discussions of surviving bad times–especially really bad times–runs more or less like this: stockpile a bunch of canned/dried food and other valuable accoutrements of civilized life (generators, tools, canned goods, firearms, etc.) in a remote area far from urban centers, and then wait out the bad times, all the while protecting your stash with an array of technology (night vision binocs, etc.) Continue reading

You Are Not Here To Experience Someone Else!

Wouldn’t it be fantastical if the words below were the most amazing words you would ever read and as soon as you read them, BAM! like magic – your life was changed forever? You would begin to attract abundant unconditional love, outrageous career success, incredible health and fitness, financial well-being, and the ability to accomplish your mission to help the world! You could create the best damn life you want and fulfill all your dreams!

Well actually, I have the words that will do just that! After 29 years of astonishing work, research, and experience in the metaphysical, psychological, and spiritual fields, I discovered the words – the bottom-line, miracle answer that will make everything you attempt work!

The problem with these words? They’re mine!

Other people’s words were never meant to make that kind of impact on your life! If they were, you would be able to create exactly what you wanted right after you read your first self-help book written by someone like Tony Robbins or the Dalai Lama, or heard your first inspirational words from anyone. In my 57 years of life experience, I’ve come to understand the sole purpose of our existence here on Earth is to experience ourselves. Period!

Let me state this next premise clearly- You Are Not Here To Experience Someone Else!

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