Matrix Deprogramming and the Prohibition of Nature’s Red Pill

“Remember. All I’m offering is the truth. Nothing Else.” – Morpheus, The Matrix

sensesDylan Charles – Are we merely sentient programs, bound from birth to death to the directives of our masters and the chains of the Matrix? Or are we multi-dimensional beings, continuously striving for deeper and deeper connection to spirit, whether conscious or not of this automatic effort? What tools have we been given to find the answers to these questions, and why are they prohibited?

Medicine for the Matrix

Full-spectrum dominance of our well-being is carried out by the joint efforts of government, corporations, social engineering programs, consumer training through marketing and peer pressure, the modern medical establishment, and the entertainment industrial complex.

The definition of ‘medicine’ has been co-opted in recent decades by the pharmaceutical paradigm which seeks to find only symptoms then sell us temporary masks for those symptoms… for insane profit. For the entirety of human history up to the present, medicine has been an integral part of human life, as important as air, food and water, and the purpose of healing has always been to drill straight down to the root of an issue and resolve it completely, once and for all.

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Stop and listen. Feel life fully. Engage

sensesVeronica – The culture is a fast paced one. Time measured with great focus always seems to slip through the fingers of those incarnate. With all the rushing to and fro, one should expect to acquire an inner dizziness that is hard to calm.

​ All of you are sentient beings. True sensitivity, however, needs to be cared for. Becoming too busy to “feel” is indeed a hazard. Since all incarnates are connected energetically, the concept of one at a time is a realistic endeavor.

We would counsel, if you find yourself disconnected, to stand still for a moment. The momentum of this reality has “legs” of its own, and really does not require your energy as fuel.

Stand still.

The rat race will continue. However, your energy just might get a chance to truly breathe life force back into itself.

Start by considering the basic 5 senses. Sight, Hearing, Tasting, Scent, and Touching.

When was the last time you truly observed your surroundings? To take in all the magnificence of the beauty around you should not be overlooked.

There is a lot of focus upon the “ugliness” of the world. A far less observance of the beauty. By truly “seeing” what is around you offers an opportunity to embrace that energy, while spreading it around. We are not saying that the ugliness will immediately disappear. We say that by creating a better balance of sight one can do their part to create a more peaceful atmosphere. Continue reading