The Chaining of Saturn/Sol

SaturnElva Thompson – In antiquity Saturn was our sun… and we lived in Paradise, the Golden Age of Man.

Hesiod tells of a golden race of immortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven.

‘And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil: miserable age rested not on them . . . The fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things’.

David Talbott in the Saturn Myth, p.329 writes: Continue reading

Disclosure Hearings, Why They Fail

ET disclosureJames Gilliland – The disclosure hearings were doomed to fail from the start. They will not take us closer to contact.

I want you to reason this. Imagine a spiritually and technologically advanced ET walks into the room. They are telepathic, extremely sensitive to energies, know us better than we know ourselves, can sense all the hidden agendas and intentions of everyone in the room. They possess what is called direct knowing, nothing is hidden. Now take stock in who is in the room. That is all I should have to say but some need more explanation.

In order to make contact with the advanced civilizations you have to rise to the occasion. One needs to have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. There can be no self-serving hidden agendas. Continue reading

Who Lucifer Actually Is & Why They Are Here (Part 6)

Please see Part 5 for links to Parts 1-4.

Richard Enos – The time has come, finally, to examine the principles behind Luciferianism, what Svali calls Illuminism, and while we’re at it let’s throw in Satanism, or other derivatives thereof. There are similarities and differences amongst all of these, and even disagreements on the basic principles that underlie each title. Doing research on these bodies of knowledge on the Internet ultimately leads to more confusion than clarity, and I believe there is a reason for this, which I will discuss as we go along.

Lucifer This article is not going to examine the historical roots of each, nor the various ways their branches have become entangled with one another over time. Rather, we will focus on the fundamental basis that commonly underlies these traditions and how they relate to the mission of the Lucifer group soul.

First, let’s take a look at Svali’s description of her Illuminati group’s religion or ‘philosophy’ she calls Illuminism, whose origins take us far back in history: Continue reading

STO, STS, and Densities

stsMontalk – This article explains the system of “densities”, “Service-to-Self”, and “Service-to-Others” as discussed in the Ra Material and Cassiopaean Transcripts and shows how they relate to the occult concepts of the etheric and astral planes. Instead of summarizing what’s already been said, my aim here is more to provide new insights and resolve some common misunderstandings.

Why is the idea of “density” necessary?

Consider the following phenomena:

  • Elementary particles, such as electrons or protons, which display no sentience beyond fluctuating unpredictably at the quantum level.
  • Minerals, which exhibit a highly ordered structure, grow, reproduce, and can exhibit a subtle energy field.
  • Plants, which are alive, demonstrate a growth pattern toward light, and exhibit basic reflexive reactions to stimuli.
  • Bacteria, which are alive and show autonomous motion and rudimentary intelligence, more so than plants, minerals, or elementary particles.
  • Animals, which in the case of dogs, cats, elephants, dolphins, etc. show sentience, emotional sensitivity, memory, and a will to live.
  • Humans, who possess the capacity for self-reflection, self-awareness, self-determination.
  • Aliens, who demonstrate psychic powers and don’t seem to exist completely in our physical realm.
  • Cryptoids such as bigfoot, mothman, men-in-black, etc. who like aliens are not fully anchored in our realm.
  • Ghosts, who seem no more or less intelligent than humans and are simply lacking the physical body.
  • Astral beings ranging from basic parasites and critters to humanoid characters of hostile or benevolent natures.
  • Demons, who range from imp-like minions to chthonic overlords and are the personifications of evil, antilife, antispirit, darkness, and entropy.
  • Angels, who are completely nonphysical and demonstrate perfect congruence with divine ethics and can surgically edit our reality if divine intervention requires it.
  • Higher Self, which is stationed at the end of our personal spiritual evolution and reaches back/down through time to help its past/lower projections still immersed in the human experience.
  • Demiurge, the pseudo-intelligent soul or quantum field of the universe that sustains physical existence as we currently know it.
  • Positive and negative beings, whose existence indicates that a duality exists between those who choose to assist and those who choose to exploit others.
  • Infinite Creator, who is infinitely sentient and both permeates all of Creation and exists timelessly beyond it.

Now, organize these phenomena into a coherent framework that shows the relation among all its parts, and do this via the simplest system possible that accounts for all those parts. What you end up with is something like the density / STO / STS system. It is not the only possible interpretation, but it’s useful and provides a working framework. Continue reading

Are You a Deplorable? Take This Quiz to Find Out

deplorableCharles Hugh SmithAre you a Deplorable? The answer might surprise you. Take this short quiz to find out.

1. If you agree with this characterization of American Elites: “The self-satisfied cosmopolitan culture that sprang up among the affluent 20% or so of the industrial world’s population, who became convinced that the temporary ascendancy of policies that favored their interests was not only permanent but self-evidently right and just.” (The Fifth Side of the Triangle The Archdruid Report)

You’re a Deplorable.

2. If you question whether globalization is actually in the national interest: You’re a Deplorable.

3. If you question whether endless wars of choice, drone strikes and foreign interventions that cost the lives of countless civilians are actually in the national interest: You’re a Deplorable.

4. If you see the major institutions of American life as corrupt, ineffective, and blatantly favoring the financial/social elites: You’re a Deplorable.

5. If you think it’s wrong that some immigrants (the illegal ones) get to “jump the queue” ahead of the millions of legal immigrants who have waited patiently for years and paid the costs of following the rules: You’re a Deplorable.

6. If you see the concentration of media ownership as a threat to democracy:

deplorableYou’re a Deplorable.

7. If you think the War on Drugs that’s imprisoned millions of young men is actually a War on the American People, a war that was prosecuted for the entire 24 long years of the presidencies of Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and Barack Obama: You’re a Deplorable.


The US population has increased about 40% since the War on Drugs started in earnest in 1980, while the prison/Gulag population has increased over 400% since 1980.

We’re Number 1 in counter-productive drug-war gulags! (image)

8. If you see the informal quotas on Asian-American students in America’s Ivy League universities as wrong and blatantly racist: You’re a Deplorable.

9. If you favor kicking over the tables of the money-lenders at the temple–those wonderful money-lenders who fund the campaigns of our political elites– You’re a Deplorable.

10. In summary: if you question the self-serving, self-congratulatory, hubris-soaked dominance of the neoliberal Elites, You’re a Deplorable.

If you think being Caucasian is a requirement to qualify as a Deplorable, think again: anyone can be a Deplorable. If you’re a Hispanic-American or African-American who has seen your community gutted by the War on Drugs, and you’re against the American gulag, then you’re questioning the status quo: Bingo, you’re a Deplorable.

If you’re an Asian-American who is tired of accepting blatantly racist limits on Asian students in top-tier U.S. universities–the same sort of insidiously informal quotas that limited Jewish-American students in the early 20th century–you’re a Deplorable.

Regardless of your ethnicity, class or religion, if you perceive the institutions that govern American life as corrupted, riddled with favoritism and spin or as broken, you’re a Deplorable. If you question or resist the dominance of self-serving neoliberal elites, you’re a Deplorable.

This isn’t the elites’ definition, of course, because resistance to their dominance can’t be identified as the defining factor. If this truth were revealed, the various tribes of Deplorables might realize they have more in common than the corporate media will let on.

Though it was Hillary Clinton who made the Deplorables public, the elites of both parties share the same fear and loathing of anyone who questions or resists their control.

BONUS DEPLORABLE POINTS if you answer “yes”: do you think being corralled into a remote holding pen reserved for “expressing free speech” (i.e. resisting the elites) is a mockery of the Bill of Rights? Bingo, you’re a Deplorable.

Charles Smith is a Contributing Writer for Shift Frequency

SF Source Of Two Minds Dec. 2016

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