The Chaining of Saturn/Sol

SaturnElva Thompson – In antiquity Saturn was our sun… and we lived in Paradise, the Golden Age of Man.

Hesiod tells of a golden race of immortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven.

‘And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil: miserable age rested not on them . . . The fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things’.

David Talbott in the Saturn Myth, p.329 writes:

‘Ancient races the world over record that there was once a Golden Age, a kingdom of cosmic harmony ruled by a central light god. Numerous sources identify this light god as the planet Saturn’.

What happened to Saturn?

The above video ‘Symbols of an Alien Sky ‘ presented by The Thunderbolts Project, describes a ‘catastrophic and spectacular event’ that happened in our solar system, in the not too distant past. The chaos resulted in a new sun, a moon, the banishment of Saturn, and the introduction of a ‘new set up’ in the heavens.

Ancient texts tell us that Zeus banished Saturn, and in the ensuing struggle, the earth was knocked off her axis. Eternal spring was replaced with the four seasons, life and death and the turning of the wheel. Saturn became Satan, the Reaper, the father of Time, rigidity and Death.

From a God to a Devil

After the shaking of the heavens, a new sun shone in the sky and the moon showed up…and much has been written about the anomalies of the artificial satellite called Luna.  Native peoples have stories and myths about a time when there was no moon, and women did not menstruate… commensurate with the Golden Age presided over by Saturn/Sol.

Saturn of the Golden Age has been displaced, his magnificent radiance imprisoned in seven vibrating rings of power…just as our light and splendour is imprisoned by seven vortexes called the chakra system. They are frequency fences blocking our true nature and chaining us to the third dimension.

As above, so below.

The frequencies of the seven rings of power resonate on the human chakra system, the moon amplifies the charge, aided and abetted in its mischief by the seven planets.

The Cassini spacecraft sent back the sounds of Saturn, see video attached to my article ‘Spotlight on the Beast’ 

The sounds are horrible…compounded by the vibrating hexagon at the North pole of the planet…the hex. The discordant sounds speak of misery, bondage and exploitation, it is the frequency of suffering called the Matrix, broadcast to the electromagnetic energy of earth’s grid and all living beings.

Saturn has been negated, hexed, cursed and the symbol of its bondage, the hexagram…sexagram is worshipped by the worlds religions, the six pointed star is the jailer of the light of Saturn/Sol.  TPTB have debased the god of harmony that ruled the Golden Age, and imprisoned him in spells of deceit and domination.  Seven rings of containment they have placed around him, corrupting the frequency of the dying Lord of Love.


Saturn’s symbol in the zodiac is the goat, and his messenger is Pan, the Elder brother of mankind. [See my article ‘The Great God Pan.’]

Pan is the symbol of the divinity and innocence of all creation that existed before the Fall… before the so called ‘son of Saturn’, Zeus, castrated Agdistis [the God/Goddess] of Saturn/Sol,  and created the Separation.

Zeus [Jupiter] appears to be the enemy of mankind and archetype of the malign manipulation of our species.

To hell in a hand basket

In Genesis there are two creation stories, one where man lived in beauty [the golden Age of Saturn] and the other, where Adam and Eve are expelled from the garden and cursed by a psychotic, narcissistic creep.

Did this demented god and his cronies vivisect a natural being of the Golden Age?

Did they split a hermaphrodite into two halves? ‘male and female he created them.’

This split would have resulted in duality/polarity and the third dimension.  The allegory of Adam and Eve is about the separation of the sexes [the castration of Agdistis] and the fall into sexual desire and reproduction.

Eve’s apple

Joe Paneck wrote about the apple as a symbol.

The Seeded Vulva:

When we slice an Apple vertically (length-wise) the core portion has the shape of the Vulva in which the Seeds are contained. .Symbolically, the feminine Vulva-shape which contains the masculine seeds represents the act of creation in the physical
realm. For, in the physical realm, when the masculine Seed enters the feminine Vulva, creation and life are the result.The Seeded Vulva Symbolizes the complimentary aspects of duality which, when joined together, create life not only in the physical but also the mental realm;the two realms we experience during our present incarnation’.

Was the ‘ fall’ caused by the splitting of a whole being into two halves: hermaphrodite: Hermes/Aphrodite? And wouldn’t the separation, the splitting of the blueprint cause a drop in frequency…into a prison of duality/polarity and sexual reproduction?

Genetic Intervention and Paradise lost

Carl Sagan in his book ‘The Dragons of Eden’ has this to say.

Modern men and women have brain cases twice the volume of Homo habilis. Childbirth is painful because the evolution of the human skull has been spectacularly fast and recent. The American anatomist C. Judson Herrick described the development of the neo-cortex in the following terms: ‘it’s explosive growth late in phylogeny is one of the most dramatic cases of evolutionary transformation known to comparative anatomy’

The incomplete closure of the skull at birth, the fontanelle, is very likely an imperfect accommodation to this recent brain evolution.

The connection between the evolution of intelligence and the pain of childbirth seems unexpectedly to be made in the book of Genesis. In punishment for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God says to Eve, ‘In pain shalt thou bring forth children. It is interesting that it is not the getting of any sort of knowledge that God has forbidden, but, specifically, the knowledge of the difference between good and evil–that is abstract and moral judgements, which, if they reside anywhere, reside in the neo cortex.

The fall from Eden seems to be an appropriate metaphor for some of the major biological events in recent human evolution.

He goes on to say that their were modifications made to the female pelvis to allow for bigger heads. P.96

Is the ego an artificial intelligence?

In the light of the above information, it is obvious that we have been genetically modified…a gmo!

The question we have to ask ourselves is this. Does the ego reside in the neo-cortex and if so, is it an artificial intelligence?

Our minds are not our own, a fact which becomes very obvious when we start observing ourselves and how we react to external stimuli. We are a slave to instinct and programmed reactions, a serf to the A.I. called our mind.

Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda that the predator gave us its mind….the R.Complex and then made us conscious of its needs and urges, [neo-cortex]

Service to self…the predators mind

When we are in the ego mind of service to self, we are nothing more than animated robots fighting over the’ pecking order’, just like my chickens!

There is no difference between a totally self-orientated person and the rest of creation, whether it be pond life, insects or mammals, they are all software, programmed to the survival of self and therefore, react in predictable ways to any threats, real or imagined.

That’s the key to control.

The Farm

The human herd has managers, proto-demons whose genetics allow for the transmission of instructions.  Guidelines from the off planetary owners of the farm in raising the human cattle crop. These creeps are the elite bunch that make the laws and they are clever to a point, because the mass of the herd don’t even have a clue they are being manipulated, let alone being a farm animal.

I have to smile when I hear the ignorant rhetoric of people who are cruel to the creatures say, ‘So what! It’s just an animal!’ not realising that they are in the same position as the poor dumb creatures they so heartlessly brutalize. They too are being farmed…as above, so below and, in the process of their viciousness will be compelled to return to the farm ad infinitum.

Human life is ridiculous when viewed from this perspective.  It has no meaning and has been designed for one purpose only…not milk or flesh as in the lower density, but emotions…the loosh.

The Zombie Syndrome

Billions of human fractals are acting out the programmed Artificial Intelligence of the I, the service to self- programme and are not conscious in the true sense of the word…they are zombies, the  robotic walking dead of conformity and dogma, sucking up the energy of the world and spewing it out as poison.

Perhaps that’s the  ironic and ugly truth masquerading behind the zombie movies…the powers that be are laughing at us, because they know that once you buy the lie, you are a zombie, a mindless creature ruled by the’ I want [instant gratification’] syndrome of the ‘acquired mind’.

Ego reputo, proinde ego sum non…..I think, therefore I am not.

Unconditional love on the other hand just is… has no opinion, it is the compassionate observer, and does not take part in the loosh producing  conflict of ‘us and them’.

Waking up to the alien nature of self

Realization of what we actually are [programmed zombies], is the first step upon the road of change. Until we can see ourselves and our actions from a neutral point of view, there will be no self-discovery, no shift of awareness, but when we see the game and how we are manipulated by our minds…the move is on.

As we withdraw from conflict, unchain ourselves from the matrix and return to Love, so will the mighty Saturn/Sol throw of the hex, dissolve the rings, and the day will dawn upon the Golden Age of man once more.

It will be again as it was before:

They shall neither hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain
For the earth shall be in full knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. – Isaiah11:9

SF Source HeartStar  Oct 3 2014

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