Now sheet music condemned as ‘slap’ at ‘students of color’

musicBob Unruh  – The old saying is music “can soothe the savage beast,” but who knew those sheets of paper with staves and notes and key signatures and time signatures and more actually have the power to “slap” some people in the face?

It’s the latest battle in “woke” politics in the world today, where now staff members inside the University of Oxford’s department of music reportedly want to remove sheet music from the school’s curriculum.

A report from Fox News explains professors are fretting over its presence because the notation has not “shaken off its connection to its colonial past.” Continue reading

My Near-Death Experience

“Really, I was playing music on my alto horn in a brass band. I was sitting, reading the sheet music on a stand in front of me and there was this long, low note that I had to play. In fact, it seemed extra long… like time had slowed down… and then it started to sound strange, like there was another noise in my ears.” ~Owen Waters

In 1963, at the ripe old age of 13, I found myself floating in the air, just below the ceiling, looking down on my body. Today, we are used to hearing about near-death or out-of-body experiences but, back then, nobody knew anything… and it was just plain terrifying!

Some people report out-of-body experiences after a horrendous car wreck, a heart attack or some other life-threatening emergency. In my case, I was just being happy! Continue reading