The Space Between No Longer And Not Yet

destinyLorna Bevan – As predicted, these End Days through to January 2021 are presenting every single one of us with a critical Rite of Passage to navigate. This post-election week is going to be a doozy for everyone, not just those in the US who are seeing their karmic Pluto return playing out in front of their eyes.

Mars turn direct in Aries kicking up a Mars Max storm, the 3rd Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn takes everything to extremes, intensified by a seismic Super New Moon in Scorpio which opens the November 30th eclipse rabbit hole. Continue reading

Momentum Improves, Changes Ahead

November 2020Joseph P Anthony – Some good news arrives this month! We have two important planets (Mercury & Mars) that will be moving forward in November. Both of these of planets have been holding the energy down, especially Mars which represents drive and determination and has been retrograde since September 9th. When Mars in Aries is retrograde it’s like trying to walk through mud that is about knee deep. Mercury of course represents our thinking and communication, as I’m sure many of you know by now, Mercury retrograde tends to bring our thoughts back into the past.  With just these two planets moving forward we could expect this month’s energy to improve significantly.

The second half of the month appears to be more intense than the first half that’s because we’ll have Mercury entering Scorpio, Mars going direct, a New Moon in Scorpio, Venus enters Scorpio, and the transition of the Sun from Scorpio into Sagittarius, and finally, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini at the end of the month.

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Boldly Engaging the Ongoing Adventure

Zen Gardner – Very new times are upon us. The shift continues to shift in new and amazing ways, challenging even new found paradigms almost as quickly as we arrive at considering them.

timeIf things aren’t morphing that quickly for you perhaps you’re not paying attention. Because there’s a good chance they are and you’re just not noticing.

Little things and big things are taking on new shapes and forms. It may appear subtle at first until you tune in, but timeline splits and glitches in the matrix are real, as is this powerful background of vibrational change. We’re beginning to notice things we either were too preoccupied to take note of, took for granted, or were too naive to pay attention to.

But now they are increasingly hard to miss.

What to Look Out For

One of the biggest manifestations I’m currently experiencing is meeting new people and seeing an openness I’ve never seen before, almost as if people have awakened out of a dream or some sort of suspended animation but didn’t know they were “on hold” for an indefinite period of time.

This has been profoundly so in my recent and current travels, and has been corroborated by trusted awake and active colleagues of mine.

It’s quite thrilling. The awakening we’ve sensed for so long is manifesting so rapidly now anyone can see it – – if they’re looking. Just as profound if not more so is personal experiences I and others I’m in close touch with are experiencing. I’ve written on these types of phenomena for years but they’re not just accelerating in frequency now, but taking on new, intriguing nuances.

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Mass Shifting

danaMrkich“I hear the train a comin’, It’s rolling round the bend” – that’s Johnny Cash speak for there’s another strong sunspot coming around the Sun’s horizon. It has delivered 4 M class solar flares in the past 24 hours – however according to Space Weather, due to the fact this sunspot hasn’t quite come into full vision yet, the flares were most likely stronger than Earth’s satellites were able to pick up.

It’s called a ‘hidden active region’ which pretty much describes what these flares have been doing to us lately – and still are! Anything and everything within us – and outside us – that needs to come up and out from under the carpet (and beyond the veil) is being triggered. This includes everything from old wounds being seen in a new way for the purpose of release and transformation, to new (ancient really) potential flaring and ready to be activated.

You may be feeling, sensing or even seeing forms, orbs, shadows in the corner of your eye, or beings around you. We have shifted into a higher vibrational state and so we are going to start connecting in a much stronger way with energies around us that have previously been unseen by us. This can feel disconcerting, so if it makes you feel uneasy just ask that your senses are opened in a gentle way. Know you have the power to protect your own energy field from anything that doesn’t serve you. A simple affirmation is: I am filled with love, surrounded by love, protected by love and guided by love.

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