Signs and Omens: Listening to the Messages of Spirit

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

 omensMateo Sol – With the constant exposure to digital news, ads and social media interaction, we’ve lost the valuable skill that our ancestors had of gathering information firsthand from our surroundings.

We’ve lost the ability to perceive the deep interconnection between “us” and the natural world, and the different ways nature is alive and communicates with us. The patterns of birds in flight, the blooming of trees outside of their season, the temperature of the ocean’s water, the invasion of ants or snails … there are so many occurrences in nature that carry valuable information and significance that we don’t pay attention to anymore.

In the modern fast-paced world, signs have been divorced from their significance.

Nature is always communicating with us and often this occurs by showing us omens and signs. Indigenous traditions understood this as working and being in harmony with the flow or web of life. Through physics we now know this as the “unified field.” Continue reading

5 Signs You’re Getting A Sign

Enlightening Life  April 7 2014

EnergyIt is not a sign (I’m going to be using that word a lot in this article) of doubt or lack of faith for us to ask for signs or confirmation of the best next steps, choices on our path, or that we are choosing our most powerful potential or possibility. Especially if we think we have made a lot of powerless decisions or choices that represent our less or non-empowered self in the past, we want to be shown that we can get different results this time.

So we ask for a sign, and then we usually miss the sign because we think it’s going to be something magnificent, grand, divine, and obvious. And it is usually something like losing our car keys, or dropping eggs on the floor, or we receive an unexpected gift, we win the lottery, someone from our past reconnects with us (that represents either joyful or painful memories), or we get a flat tire.

What’s the message of these signs? It depends on the question we are asking.

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