5 Signs You’re Getting A Sign

Enlightening Life  April 7 2014

EnergyIt is not a sign (I’m going to be using that word a lot in this article) of doubt or lack of faith for us to ask for signs or confirmation of the best next steps, choices on our path, or that we are choosing our most powerful potential or possibility. Especially if we think we have made a lot of powerless decisions or choices that represent our less or non-empowered self in the past, we want to be shown that we can get different results this time.

So we ask for a sign, and then we usually miss the sign because we think it’s going to be something magnificent, grand, divine, and obvious. And it is usually something like losing our car keys, or dropping eggs on the floor, or we receive an unexpected gift, we win the lottery, someone from our past reconnects with us (that represents either joyful or painful memories), or we get a flat tire.

What’s the message of these signs? It depends on the question we are asking.

One of my favorite signs happened to me a few years ago, when I was thinking about partnering with someone in a business venture. The partnership wasn’t going well, there were a lot of problems, the person I was working with was challenging, and I was beginning to wonder whether I should back out of the venture. One day, I put some eggs to boil because I was going to have hard boiled eggs for lunch, and went back to my office to work for a few more minutes while they were cooking. It didn’t feel like a lot of time had gone by but I smelled the odor of burning eggs just as I heard a large bang. I ran to the kitchen which was now filled with a cloud of black, smelly smoke, and heard several more bangs as the lid of the pan started bouncing up. I turned off the gas and said a prayer of thanks that I had covered the pan because my eggs had boiled dry and were now exploding in the pan. It took a while to prepare another batch of eggs and scour the pan,and this time I stayed in the kitchen while they were cooking. I got my sign and ended the partnership.

How do you know you’re getting a sign? Start by asking the right kinds of questions, like:

  • Will this create the outcome I desire (you should already have a desired outcome in mind)?
  • How does this serve me? You really want to know if it serves your joy or does it make your life harder.
  • Is this the path I want to follow if I want to evolve and expand on my path?
  • Are you limiting your options by being too specific, scared, or doubting yourself or your results?
  • Is there something I am not seeing that I should be aware of? Our vision is limited to what we know is possible, based on our past experience.
  • Is there something else we have not considered yet?
  • Is this a powerful choice for me or am I harboring a secret fear? Energy flows in the direction of our most powerful emotions and if that is fear, that is what we will create from.
  • Do I really want this outcome or is there something else available for me? Sometimes we ask for what we think we can get, rather than what we really want. If we can have the courage to dream what we think is impossible, new life paths become a possibility.

Here are 5 ways to know you may be getting a sign, which is an answer to your question:

1. Is something happening in your life that is unusual or out of the ordinary? Sometimes you will find money, pennies, or feathers, or you can see repeated patterns of numbers or letters. Pennies and feathers are often the way angels will connect with us.

2. Do you see the same kinds of messages on billboards, on license plates, from songs you hear on the radio, that all reference the issue you are asking about? If you are asking about a choice and you keep seeing and hearing ‘no’ or ‘yes’ everywhere you look, that’s a sign.

3. Are you getting similar messages from people, who all seem to say the same thing or talk about your question (that you have not shared with them) and they may be complete strangers or completely unaware of the issues you’re thinking about? If you wonder whether you have a health issue and everyone around you begins to talk about that issue, even people you don’t know, you should probably go and have it checked out, these are signs that are answering your question.

4. Are you receiving unexpected blessings from others, or are you dropping or breaking things, which is not your usual habit? One client was having doubts about a new relationship and suddenly everything the man she was with started breaking things in her house (not on purpose). He picked up the tea kettle and the handle came off, he opened the cabinet door and the knob feel off, he broke her kitchen faucet, and a plate she had for a decade jumped out of his hand and crashed to the floor. After several similar incidents, she got the message and ended the relationship.

5. Do you have a nagging feeling that something isn’t right about the situation? Are you having strange dreams about it or is worrying about it keeping you up at night? Our own intuition is our strongest guide and it will give us internal signs that we need to pay attention to. If you have a pleasant or an unpleasant recurring dream about a situation, that’s your intuition guiding you about your choice. Listen to it, because its purpose is to help you connect with your highest path and outcome you can achieve, and that is sometimes hidden from you, but it is not hidden from your soul and inner guidance.

It would be nice if our signs were hand delivered from heaven, on angel’s wings, tied with shiny ribbon, and sprinkled with fairy dust. Usually, though, they come in the form of everyday life situations and while the messages are clear, if we’re looking for angel wings and fairy dust, we may miss them. So ask powerful questions, ask for signs, and then watch for them. They will be there for you and will give you the answer you need, which may not always be the answer you want to hear, but that’s another matter. Stay tuned in and focused because the answer is usually right in front of you, in the form of a sign sent especially for your benefit, that will show you what you are aligned with and how to create the perfect solution in that moment, for that situation.

Copyright (c) 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

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