The Simulation Hypothesis [Video]

simulationZen Gardner – Is everything an illusory simulation? Was the world created by a non-physical force that we can communicate with and possibly influence with our minds, thereby participating in the creation of our own reality?

These are the grandiose existential questions central to this documentary, which introduces viewers to the concept of the Simulation Hypothesis. Teasing that there are cutting edge physics experiments that imply Simulation Hypothesis could be true, the film begins by reviewing two primary philosophies regarding the nature of life: materialism and idealism. First introduced by Democritus, materialism credits the atom as the basis for all reality, making consciousness the result of a material process.  Plato, on the other hand, believed it is the mind itself that gives way to matter; therefore reality is borne from ideas.

Disclose.tvThe Simulation Hypothesis – Documentary 2015

The Simulation Hypothesis, which the filmmakers parallel very heavily against the hit sci-fi movie The Matrix, argues that matter and ideas are the result of a complex digital simulation, something akin to a video game. Theoretical physicists make their case for a programmable universe, positing that there is evidence of computer code to be found in nature and we are, put simply, expressions of a code. Continue reading