Democrats Turning the 2016 MAGA Movement into a 2020 Revolution

trumpM. Catharine Evans –  Liberals need to get used to the idea of a President Trump win in 2020. When every Democrat hopeful stood on that debate stage and raised their hands in support of free healthcare for illegals, they might as well have held up a ‘Trump 2020’ banner.

The tables that started to turn with the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement in 2016 have now been knocked over.

Ironically, Democrats have become the recipients of their own intolerance for any differing opinions. Fortunately for conservatives, it is futile for more centrist Democrats, if there are any, to try and convince far left, radical Dems there may be a better strategy than coddling illegals and race-baiting. Just try and tell the Squad, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and Jerry Nadler to stop beating the drum for the President’s impeachment. Continue reading