April Is A High Energy Month

AriesJoseph P Anthony – Strap in because we have some strong cosmic energy this month. Its Aries season and that means action, new beginnings, pioneering spirit with a dash of spring cleaning thrown in for good measure. April will be quite a magical but intense time. The first half of the month features the coming-together of several planets in Pisces. Venus being the first followed by Mars, however, we will also see Jupiter perfectly conjunct with Neptune in Pisces as well. These transits in particular are the reason we are more inclined to have a more imaginative and idealistic month.

We have three lunations in April making this a very high-strung emotional month filled with surprises and change. The month starts off with a New Moon and ends the month with a New moon also called a Black Moon. A Black Moon is a quirk of the calendar and not a special astronomical event or even something you can see. Continue reading

Eclipse Energy Update – the Evolutionary Perspective

selfAilia Mira – Big inner shifts are possible right now.We may be more aware of the old stuff coming up, but that is what it is showing up for. Even as a Walk-in (only having been here since 2013) I’m having lots of stuff from the past which is stored in my body, the somatic memories, surfacing in both dreams and waking states. Along with big waves at times of fear.

Realize that there is an opportunity right now to (RE)CLAIM our true Self, and with that, align to all that we are, in consciousness. This shift is resonant with consciousness that is beyond polarity or separation and this shift — beyond separation, into Oneness, is the shift we’re in collectively as a species. Continue reading

December 2021 Energy Report

eclipseJennifer Hoffman – And here we are at the end of the year, this is the final month. As we look back on the events of 2021 I think we can agree that we never could have imagined many of the things that happened. But they did and the next question is, where do we go from here? What does moving forward look like? How do we rise above the chaos and believe in the traditions and structures we feel have failed us (badly).

The energy themes of December include activating your self ideation triad – self awareness, self reliance, and self empowerment. Other themes include consequences, inspiration, and truth. Do nothing blindly – Trust, but verify. Pray for sun and carry an umbrella. Be open to following a new path and make sure you’re the one driving the car. Continue reading

December 4, 2021 New Moon in Sagittarius, Solar Eclipse

solar eclipseLaura Bruno – December 4 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, 2:43 a.m. Eastern. This New Moon Solar Eclipse could bring dark history to light. Even fortunate new beginnings exact a cost and demand retribution. An extremely karmic eclipse that can trigger optimism, while also bringing accountability.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs conjunct Mercury the Messenger, in the same sign as the transiting South Node. Connection with the South Node marks this as a karmic event. Mercury’s presence reveals that information about the past will bring new understanding.

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Stillness of Zero Point

Photo by Poppy

Kate Spreckley – 2021 has been a year where we have really felt the push and the pull between the old and the new, the past and the future, which has created both internal and external conflict. However, despite the conflict we stand now in the space between Eclipses, the space between dark and light where the energy shifts into the stillness of zero point.

Here we are integrating the energies of last week’s Full Moon Eclipse and preparing for the upcoming Solar Eclipse in December when the next chapter in our journey truly begins. Continue reading