FBI Director Telegraphs Nothing Out Of Sheer Necessity

wrayElder Patriot – Very soon the names Christopher Wray and Noel Francisco will be the stars of 24/7-cable news programming. Both are Trump appointees who have compiled enough evidence to begin the prosecution of the Clintons and those in the highest offices of the FBI who protected them. And, neither man can be bought.

Politics will determine whether their investigations will be allowed to make the case for prosecuting Obama’s cabinet members who made the call to squash the evidence in multiple incriminating cases and who violated FISA court rules of evidence to obtain warrants in order to spy on the man who threatens to expose their criminally treasonous syndicate, President Trump.

Wray was Trump’s choice to replace Comey to lead the FBI after Trump became aware of how severely Comey, and his predecessor Robert Mueller, had corrupted the agency and its mission when it chose to protect the Clintons.

Wray is highly respected lawman and passed Senate confirmation by a 92-5 vote. Continue reading