These Guys Used To Issue The World’s Reserve Currency Too

“It’s common for the world’s most powerful country to issue a currency that becomes adopted around the world as the standard for international trade. But whenever that country reaches a point of epic, terminal decline, and especially when it rapidly debases its currency, the rest of the world seeks an alternative.” – S Black

Solidus_moneySpoleto, Italy – For hundreds of years the Byzantine Empire coined the most popular reserve currency in the history of the world.

Merchants all over Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and further, used it in trade for centuries.

It was called the solidus, and was introduced by Constantine I in 312 AD.

The solidus held steady at 4.5 grams of 24-carat gold for nearly seven centuries. Hence its Latin name – ‘solid’. The durability of its purity is nearly unprecedented in the history of money.

Its weight, dimensions and purity remained constant until the 10th century when the government began to debase it.

The debasement was gradual at first, then accelerated rapidly. Continue reading