Intuition And Trust: A Journey Through Ancient Pathways

Wake Up World September 6 2013

My journey into total trust and belief in our intuition really began in earnest 27 years ago when I knew the Universe, my guidance etc. conspired to bring my partner Paul and I together. If we both had not been listening to our inner voices, our intuition – and trusting it – then our lives would have turned down other roads that in hindsight we can see now as not being all that wonderful. We would have missed out on following our hearts and living our dreams.

I now know that when you listen to your intuition it will tell you everything you need to know.

What it also meant was that I had to step into being 100% responsible for everything that happened and happens in my life. For many people that is a too huge a leap of faith just yet… but my gosh! does it set you FREE! And each individual who takes responsibility for themselves helps to make the world a better place.

To set the scene…

It was 1985. Paul was single, a Kiwi (an affectionate name for those from Aotearoa/New Zealand) living in South Australia and had never been married. He was a demi-chef and a gym instructor, right into body building, and as fit as could be. He rode his push bike everywhere. It is a minor fact that he didn’t have a car or his driving license at that point; he got both eventually, and the fact that he wore a pair of shorts for his female driving test instructor had nothing to do with him getting his license.

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