Which Way Is Truth?

“We are changelings walking a lonely road, not knowing who to trust or where to look for answers…but search we must…there is no choice for us.” – E Thompson


“When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.” – William Blake

The Lonely Road

Waking up to the truth about our manipulated reality, the human farm, the ‘loosh rote’ and the nature of the fractal world, is an overwhelming toxic shock, and as revelation upon revelation rocks our psyche, and the rug of normality is pulled out from underneath our feet…we are irrevocably changed.

Our preconceived ideas about reality disintegrate, and the walls of comfortability we’ve built around ourselves fall like dominoes and are swept away. Our personal wants and desires pale into insignificance in the face of our new awareness. We no longer gel with family and friends, have no time for small talk, or shallow and meaningless conversations, and when we try to express our new found understanding, even to those closest to us, we are often met with apathy and ridicule.

And, for a while, we are in no man’s land struggling with doubt and questioning our sanity… but one thing’s for sure, we can never go back to ‘normal.’

We are changelings walking a lonely road, not knowing who to trust or where to look for answers…but search we must…there is no choice for us.

The dark smoke of spiritual agenda

Because of the trauma of losing normal, we can easily fall prey to the dark smoke of negative spiritual programmes in our search for truth. We have to learn to recognise the carefully crafted alien agenda of organized religions, spiritual misinformation, charismatic ‘teachers’, misleading theories, esoteric cults, delusional thinking and spiritual dead-ends.

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