As Trust in Government Falls, Spiritual Faith Rises

As Trust in Government Falls, Spiritual Faith RisesJ.B. Shurk – There is so much latent energy beading up right beneath the surface of Western civilization. Everybody can feel it. Every day people read the news with the expectation that some as yet unknown event will trigger something bigger, which will ignite something horrifically combustible, which will put into motion a rapidly shifting set of complex variables that finally turn the world upside-down.

Every public announcement is a potential spark. Every new emergency is a wobbly domino that could crash into another and cascade until everything falls apart. We’ve all been sitting uncomfortably on pins and needles for so long that we practically eject out of our chairs every time a television, computer, or phone screen blares, “Breaking Alert.” Continue reading

Spiritual Faith

Infinite Being | December 9 2012

With spiritual faith, your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth. Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

Faith may sound like a form of belief, but belief is actually a fixation upon a version of the truth. When a belief becomes rigid, seeking and growth are not possible. For example, the biggest challenge facing quantum physics today is the enormous shift that is required from previous beliefs about the nature of reality. Researchers have to shift to a new view where time, space and physicality are liberated from the constraints which people previously believed that they had.

If you believe that you exist in a fixed location in space and that time must always pass you by like clockwork, think again. Subatomic particles do not share your beliefs about time and space. They take a much more liberated view. Subatomic particles pop in and out of manifestation millions of times per second, just when and where they feel like it. Their disregard for time is perplexing, to say the least, as they respond immediately to events in their future and even timetravel backwards to alter their past when it suits them.

Now, we can all identify with the idea of creating a different future based on decisions that we make now, but creating a different past? Well, that’s what subatomic particles do, right there in the lab. As a result, in the mathematics of quantum physics today, one of the necessary tools is negative time – the ability of a particle to send a message into its past in order to change its own history.

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