Superfoods that Bring Out the Best Version of Yourself

The best form of medicine is to get adequate sleep, stay active, and eat a healthy diet. While it can be easy to understand what good sleep and exercise mean, information can be contradictory to a healthy diet.

To make things simple, we’ve provided five superfoods that will never steer you wrong. These five foods will give you mental and physical energy to tackle any obstacle you face.

Here are five superfoods to eat with regularity:

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The Secret to a Healthy Life

healthy eatingPaul Lenda – There are a number of 80+ year-old yogis and yoginis who have been asked what is their secret to being in such great physical and mental shape. They let us in on a little secret and shared that they include broccoli, green tea, and spirula into their diet.

When these three foods are taken together, they will deliver an extraordinary amount of natural energy. While you can get the long-term benefits from having each of these by themselves, there is some extra power you get when taking the trifecta combo.

So, what makes broccoli, green tea, and spirulina so special? I’m going to break down the main benefits of these so you can see just how extraordinary they are at improving health and well-being. Continue reading

3 Whole Food Supplements that Go Beyond Multivitamins

GreenTabletsPillsThere’s no denying that multivitamins can have a positive effect on the human body (just make sure they actually contain the vitamin, food, or herb advertised). But the problem is that most multivitamins are a collection of isolated nutrients selected and combined by the company making the product. Many natural health authorities have pointed out that when nature does the selecting and combining, the end product is a whole food with a much better nutritional profile.

Why Whole Food Supplements are Better

Across the spectrum of the natural health world, one thing is agreed on by virtually everyone – eating whole foods is better for health than eating processed foods. Could it be any different with supplements? Most multivitamins are the supplement equivalent of processed foods, being comprised of isolated, refined, processed, and often synthetic nutrients combined in a capsule. Continue reading

Reverse Radiation Damage With 5 Grams/Day Of This Deep Sea Medicine

NaturalSociety  December 13 2013

spirulinaThought to be one of the oldest life forms on earth, spirulina is an algae loaded with health benefits. In addition to boosting academic performance, combating arthritis, and preventing cancer, some of the most remarkable benefits come in its ability to protect against radiation.

The radiation-protectant benefits of spirulina came to light after the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. In that nuclear reactor melt-down, hundreds-of-thousands of people were exposed to high levels of radiation. More than 160,000 children and 146,000 workers were victims of radiation poisoning.

Living and working in an environment polluted with radioactive toxins increased the incidence of birth defects, leukemia, cancers, thyroid diseases, liver and bone degeneration, and damaged immune functions. It was imperative that solutions be found.

In the recovery efforts, a British company reportedly sent over shipments of spirulina to treat the child victims. Children were given 5 grams of spirulina daily over a period of 45 days with remarkable results.

Compared with the children who didn’t receive spirulina, the algae-treated kids showed urine radioactivity levels decreased by 50% in only 20 days. They also began the treatment with dangerously low white blood cell counts of about 1,000—typical in leukemia. After a period of 20 days, they rose to 3,000. Finally, they had spinal fluid, blood cell, liver, and bone marrow regeneration not found in the children who weren’t treated with spirulina.

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4 Ancient Superfoods And Their Timeless Benefits

Natural Society | October 3 2012

Though the term “super food” has only been in circulation in recent years, the idea of super-nutritious and life giving foods have been around since the beginning of time. As a matter of fact, it’s likely that ancient man had a far better idea of what true superfoods are than what we gather as we wade through aisles of cans and boxes, seeking out those things that are in their most natural forms. Still, today anyone can compile a hefty superfoods list for the next shopping day.

Ancient Superfoods for Your Superfoods List

There are foods that have been around for centuries, even millennia. And many of these foods are just as good now as they were then. So which foods should be on your superfoods list? Here are some timeless superfoods that you should include in your diet today:

  • Quinoa – You’ve likely heard of it because it’s experienced a growing resurgence in the past few years. But, quinoa has been around for ages. The Incas of South America refer to this food as chisaya mama, or the mother of all grains. It’s high in protein, calcium, and iron, and is very versatile. Cook with herbs and diced veggies or form with legumes and seasonings into veggie patties. Due to it’s high protein content, it is great to help makeup a high protein vegetarian diet, and can be used with natural remedies for hair loss and hair thinning.
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