Superfoods that Bring Out the Best Version of Yourself

The best form of medicine is to get adequate sleep, stay active, and eat a healthy diet. While it can be easy to understand what good sleep and exercise mean, information can be contradictory to a healthy diet.

To make things simple, we’ve provided five superfoods that will never steer you wrong. These five foods will give you mental and physical energy to tackle any obstacle you face.

Here are five superfoods to eat with regularity:

1. Dark Leafy Greens

If you type into Google, “foods rich in…” and insert any vitamin and mineral after, without a doubt, dark leafy greens will be on the list.

They are low in calories, fat-free, and chock full of a long list of vitamins and minerals. Add in their high fiber content, and you’ve got the perfect formula for a healthy superfood.

The dark leafy greens with the best nutritional profiles include kale, collard greens, and spinach.

One serving of each collectively would provide the body with enough vitamin K for a week and a couple of days’ worth of vitamins A and C.

2. Spirulina

Spirulina is a blue-green alga that grows in fresh or saltwater. You wouldn’t have ever expected this slimy stuff to be healthy just by looking at it, but it is one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet.

This algae is harvested and dried then turned into a powder to be easier to consume. Many people like to sprinkle it in their food for or add a scoop to their smoothie.

One tablespoon of this powder contains protein, B vitamins, copper, iron, and a handful of other minerals and vitamins. The main active ingredient for healing in spirulina is an antioxidant called phycocyanin.

Phycocyanin has been proven to be a powerful anti-inflammatory that protects cells from free radical activity.

3. Garlic

Garlic is widely used in cooking to boost flavor and it does a remarkable job. Few stop to appreciate, however, that garlic is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy.

Garlic is high in allicin, which is a sulfuric compound. This has been proven beneficial to reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Garlic also has the added nutritional content of vitamin C, and vitamins B1 and B6. Garlic has a pretty good mineral content to boot. Minerals such as selenium, calcium, manganese, potassium, and copper are all in garlic.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of it not the most nutritional fruit you can eat. These tiny berries are so full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that they earn their title of a superfood.

Blueberries have been proven to contain nutrients that protect the brain, improve eye health, treat urinary tract infections, protect the body against cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, and the list goes on.

The question you need to ask yourself is, “have you eaten your blueberries today?”

5. Green Tea

This is the perfect beverage to swap for your high caffeine, high sugar, high calorie morning coffee.

This tea is made with the leaves of a plant that is full of antioxidants that protect the body from many of the chronic diseases that plague humankind today.

The most important compound to note is EGCG. This antioxidant is what gives this tea the ability to fight against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Green tea also contains a small dose of caffeine. Many have found that this little jolt combined with the catechins in green tea helped them to lose weight.


There you have it, friends. These five foods will help you take on the day with vigor and confidence with plenty of health and energy.

There is no doubt that mother nature provides what we need. We simply need to partake of her bounty!

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