Angel Messages For August 22 – 28, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a week of blessings from your great spiritual strength and personal growth. You are safe, and you feel safe, no matter what’s going on around you. This video includes a prayerful meditation for safety and security.

This week is devoted to you stepping into spiritual leadership, where you counsel and teach others, and provide a positive model from your own inner peace. Just make sure to balance all of your giving with time for your health needs, too.

From the Messages From Your Angels Oracle Cards at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Aug 2016

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, May 24, 2016

“On the Shores of Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland” – photographer Scott

Full Moon in Capricorn: clarity, understanding, revelations

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East (the direction of beginnings; Ian is on duty until July 4)

Skill:  attend to wisdom (pay attention, connect with nature, recognize patterns)

True Alignments:  enlarged or changed perspective, observation, motivation, reforming, breaking free of a burden or challenge, attraction, reflecting, reunions, ideals, memories, beauty of form, bridging

Catalysts for Change: not wanting to get involved, self-aggrandizement, harsh self criticism, denial, argumentative, close-minded, going too fast, propaganda, lacking direction, high drama, going along with what others want for you instead of what you want for you

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “the symbolic battle between swords and torches” (becoming enlightened to something, the might of light)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending old/unnatural beliefs and systems)

Today, the Earth (Gaia Sophia) discharges the energetic frequency encoded in the Sabian symbol for 5 Sagittarius: “an old owl up in a tree.”  This is the “founding energetic” of the Oracle Report, and one of the reasons I call readers the “parliament of wise owls.”  A group of owls is called a parliament.  Owls see what others miss.

When the energetic of “an old owl up in a tree” is in effect, wisdom is certainly gained.  However, there is another aspect to owl energy that is not discussed as much as the “wisdom” theme: strength.

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The Best Place To Begin


Veronica – It is critical in the current time frame to remain receptive to the divine whispers of the eternal. Those who have defined their cause as one of negativity simply cannot find fertile ground in your thoughts and energy. To remain steadfast in your stance of positiveness can be tedious.

Know that the nature of who you are is a strong one. Nothing can block the natural ebb and flow that emanates from within your heart. There are those who would seek to eradicate the beauty of the soul. Some wish to seed the earth plane with all types of evil. This behaviour has participated for centuries.

Many have attempted destruction, but without cooperation, those who would try will fail. Be steadfast in the belief of who you are. The glow of spirit within cannot be stilled. Allow your deepest thoughts of peace and serenity to come forth. Continue reading

The Nature Of Courage

fearOwen K Waters – Courage is a product of higher purpose. Courage conquers the fear of pain, of loss of life or the loss of a loved one. With higher purpose, you gain the power to spring into action and achieve your mission despite any fear that you may feel.

The conquest of fear is one of the primary reasons for life on Earth. When you identify with a higher purpose you rise above the fear. From this, you learn that higher consciousness frees you from the immobilizing numbness of basic, primeval fear.

Acts of great heroism occur when a person rises above their own fear for survival and acts to save others from injury and death. Even those who physically die in the attempt pass on into the spirit realms with the knowledge of a very valuable lesson; that higher purpose, a higher state of consciousness, is the key to overcoming basic fear. Continue reading

Jamye Price ~ A New Strength (March 2015 Newsletter)

“Life always is, calling you to a new level – a new strength.  Observe the internal momentum of your thoughts and feelings and shift your focus to the direction of more positive flow.” – J Price

strengthThe astrology in March is daunting.  We have a lot of Mars movement and energy in March.  We have the seventh and final of the Pluto/Uranus squares.  We have an eclipse on the equinox.  A month of change indeed!  The energy of 7 is a bit like a square itself.  Seven is the energy of the past meeting the present and a change of direction.  It results in wisdom when utilized to your benefit.  As you resolve grief, anger and blame, you find a new strength within.  Is that drama from the past holding you down or building your strength (like a muscle)?  It is the strong that create real, lasting change here on Earth.  Are you strong enough to choose to say no to something that is harmful for you?  Are you strong enough to say yes to something that scares you, but is really safe (like being creative or loving another)?  Are you strong enough to love yourself so much that you are feeling blessed by being alive and overflowing that Love to all you meet?

March is a month of finding a new strength to embody empowered Love.  Empowered Love will say no to another when saying yes is a continuance of disempowered, depleting dependency.  Are you ‘helping’ someone through guilt, obligation or a fear of saying no?  When you cut the cord from an energy vampire, they usually aren’t happy at first.  But it’s the only way for both of you to have an opportunity for personal strength.  You don’t get to decide if they acquire it or not. Continue reading