Strength Invocation

rp_djwhalKhul.jpgDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well, we’re sort of in a very interesting time period with Chiron getting ready to go direct; the Sun and the New Moon will both be in fiery Sagittarius at the same time over the weekend.

So this weekend coming up is a potent one and then beyond that I’m going to say what I see is a speeding up or acceleration where more stamina is required and the ability to be more efficient, be more productive, have your energy hold up well.

So this one is an invocation for strength and really kind of, well we talk sometimes about just requesting strength and courage in general for personal and spiritual development. However this is more kind of like the strength to run a gauntlet or something because it is going to be a strenuous time. Continue reading

Strength and Perseverence

Cupcakes & Angels April 26 2013

PlantToday’s reading centers around the subject of standing in your own power.  You’re suddenly finding that you’re remembering little bits and pieces of your Divine Mission.  These can come in during meditation, or at the most unexpected of times!  They are the brilliant “light-bulb” moments, the sudden inspirations and ideas.  “Wow-how did I ever think of that,” you wonder?  As we go deeper and deeper into 2013, these flashes of brilliance are going to become more and more frequent until they eventually become the normal way of doing things!  Your Angels and Guides are spoonfeeding you little increments of your mission and your history, chapter by chapter so that you don’t become overwhelmed.

Okay, so there you are…  You’re excited, you’re inspired, and your ready to get out there and change the world!  Until, that is, you’re faced with the daunting task of actually having to manifest your dreams in the still-sluggish energies of what’s left of 3D reality.  It’s so easy to become jaded.  The temptation is great to just give up and find something a whole lot easier to do.  Sometimes it all seems so scary and daunting and overwhelming.  These are the times that it’s so important that you are aware of your own power of creation.  You’re strong and smart and you have everything that it takes to be successful and make a difference .  Seriously-would you even be here if you weren’t!?

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You Are More Amazing Than You Have Imagined

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 8 2011

Your only limitations in life are limiting beliefs, and these are also a figment of your imagination.

Nothing in your mind is real. Realize how this is closest to the Truth and you will discover a tremendous freedom inside.

You will find that secret part of you which is always free from any type of suffering and can never ever experience pain.

Notice how the greatest freedom occurs from simply dropping all crazy mind chatter.

Do You Know Your Real Strength?

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 2 2011

Deep inside you is a power that is so profound it can literally wipe clean any problem you have in milliseconds.

Would you like to know how to access this power today? Well, the first step is to practice being very gentle with yourself in all that you attempt to do. Then, practice keeping your mind as calm and peaceful as you possibly can and do not let anyone ruffle your feathers.

If someone starts to aggravate you, turn deeper within to that quiet still calm place inside you. Find your soul, who has no attachment at all with this physical world.  When you can totally let go of your outer world, and relax gently into your body, you will discover the greatest strength you could ever imagine is already there at the very core of your innermost being.

Your very life becomes a pillar of strength naturally assisting others to discover their core.