Acupuncture For Dealing With Stress And Anxiety From Cancer

accupunctureMillions of people are diagnosed with cancer each year. While survival rates are improving, a cancer diagnosis is difficult for most people to handle. Studies show that up to 80 percent of cancer patients will suffer varying levels of apprehension during their initial treatment.

Anxiety is a common reaction to the stress and uncertainty that typically arises when individuals must deal with unfamiliar situations and face uncertain health outcomes. Psychological care is an important part of a patient’s overall well-being. Treatment of the anxiety experienced by cancer patients can improve their emotional, social and cognitive functions. The improvement in a patient’s quality of life has a positive effect on the success rate of his or her cancer treatment. Continue reading

How To Improve Health And Experience Less Stress

If only there were one quick fix to improving your health and lowering the stress in your life! Unfortunately, there isn’t such a solution, but you can boost your health by following a routine in which you pursue happiness, self-confidence, a well-balanced diet, and an active lifestyle.

Stress is everywhere, and although it’s always going to be a part of human existence you can find ways to minimize its impact by recognizing when to remove yourself from unhelpful situations, improving your quality of sleep, and being organized. Your health and your family’s health should be your principle focus, so learn how to decrease levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and begin living a calmer way of life.

Aches And Pains

Pain and discomfort can have an extremely detrimental impact on your life, especially if they render you inactive and unable to enjoy a normal life. Instead of worrying about pain, and becoming anxious that you’re suffering from something sinister, you should visit your doctor and let them tell you what’s wrong, meaning you can then begin searching for a way to alleviate your pain.

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What to Do When You are Feeling Stressed

In the modern world, it’s unlikely you will come across anybody who hasn’t felt the pressure and the anxiety of stress before. It is easy to become overwhelmed by what life throws at you, whether it’s work, family problems, or general ill mental health. Lots of people like to rely on traditional medications when it comes to stress, but this should never be your first resort, simply because it isn’t a sustainable long-term fix. Ideally, you should find ways to help you relax in a matter of seconds, where you can escape the stresses on your shoulders while coming face to face with them at the same time, and in a safe place.

Do something fun

Switching your brain into the mindset of doing something fun when you are full of anxieties can be incredibly challenging, but it is arguably the best relief you can find if you let your brain find its off switch. To slip into a fun activity quickly, many people resort to online games, as it is an immediate fix. Sites like Unibet are excellent for lowering stress as they give you another outlet to channel it through. If not, putting your favorite movie on can induce feelings of nostalgia and relaxation, taking your stress down even further. Continue reading

Symptoms You Might Experience After The March 1st/2nd Full Moon In Virgo

reliefJoe Martino – We just had a Full Moon in Virgo, which seems to many like a gasp of relief after what was an intense last half of 2017. These energies will continue to affect us for quite some time as well, so while I don’t normally write about astrological topics, I felt compelled to in this instance for a couple of reasons:

1. I want to touch on the importance of how to use things like astrology in a healthy way that doesn’t negate personal responsibility or agency.

2. I wanted to create greater awareness around how to turn within to reflect on what these various energetic times actually mean for us and how we can make the most of them.

Right after the last eclipse, I began seeing a lot of posts on social media about people feeling a number of different physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms. People were talking about feeling tired, dizzy, sick, and extremely emotional. Some people mentioned they were crying several times a day or feeling highly motivated to act on passions they suddenly felt immensely clear on.

What Does This All Mean?

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Holistic Methods of Dealing with Anxiety

anxietyAnxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders in the U.S., affecting around one in five people at any given time. Anxiety is a mental illness that can take many forms, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, whilst many people take medication to treat these disorders and provide relief from symptoms, there are also many natural, holistic methods to deal with anxiety that can be used as stand-alone remedies or alongside prescription medication to help get you feeling back to normal and relieve the symptoms of stress and worry. Here are some of the best natural and holistic methods of dealing with anxiety.

1. Counseling

When it comes to treating anxiety, more and more doctors today are suggesting counseling, rather than medication. In some cases, counseling and therapy can be used alongside medication to help the patient deal with their symptoms and find healthy methods of self-help. If you suffer from anxiety counseling can help you understand more about the condition, for example, why you suffer from it, what triggers an anxiety or panic attack, and what you can do to help yourself regain control.

For more information on how counseling could help you, see Continue reading