Federal Judge Declares Biden Loan Forgiveness Unconstitutional

Federal Judge Declares Biden Loan Forgiveness UnconstitutionalJonathan Turley – We have previously discussed how the Administration stretched the 2003 Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) to the breaking point as the basis for waiving roughly half a trillion dollars in debt owed to the public in college loans.

Now, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas has issued an opinion declaring that President Joe Biden violated the Constitution in unilaterally forgiving the debt before the midterm election. Judge Pittman wrote “[i]n this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone.”

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Expect More Democrat Hail Marys

Expect More Democrat Hail MarysChristopher Chantrill – It’s pretty obvious to me that the Biden Student Loan Handout is a midterm Hail Mary. With a 40 percent approval rating, why wouldn’t the president throw some free stuff at the gender studies graduate vote? What has he got to lose?

Notice that I said: “what has he got to lose.” I didn’t say: what has the average American got to lose by adding $300 billion to $1 trillion to the national debt?

It helps me understand how the Peronistas wrecked Argentina, and the Chávezistas wrecked Venezuela. When your policies have wrecked the economy, why not double down, throw money at your supporters, and call your opponents names? Continue reading