The Secret To Releasing Any Addiction

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, yet nothing can be changed until it is faced.” ~ James Baldwin

The Secret To Releasing Any AddictionJafree Ozwald – Life is meant to be filled with challenges, which are simply opportunities in disguise. This is the cosmic set up which causes everyone to evolve and grow. The real battles you are here to fight are not outside your body with another person, organization or country. This is old school, and how the Neanderthal mind thinks.

The evolved being is a deeply responsible and sensitive creature, who knows the real war is fought and won within themselves, wherever their own personal inner conflict resides. Once you find this true sustainable inner peace that remains regardless of the situation or circumstances you’re given, then you’ve found something that will allow you to truly master this world. Continue reading

Ways To Avoid Relapse Naturally

Avoiding relapses of pain, anxiety, depression, or substance abuse can be difficult. Even when you’re completely invested in the process you need support structures that help you stay on track. Use the tips listed below to help you remain motivated in attaining your goal.

1. Exercise

Anyone who has replaced their substance abuse with exercise has a very good chance of recovering. You must be determined to exercise every day so that you can get better, and you also need to see if there is a particular form of exercise that will leave you so refreshed that you will not want to have any substances. A lot of people participate in sports instead, and you might actually come up with accountability partners that way. Continue reading

Prescription Drug Abuse Top Cause Of Accidental Death In America

NaturalNews  December 18 2013

drugAbuseThe phrase “prescription drug abuse” allows Big Pharma to get away with too much, shifting the blame to stoners, druggies and youths who like to get their kicks from illegal prescriptions and black market OxyContin-type drugs that sell for high prices.

Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions, written by Dr. Carolyn Dean, outlines the statistics and issues within several other categories of prescription drugs that have caused deaths despite being properly prescribed and used.

Dr. Dean’s latest book has uncovered even more statistics of iatrogenic (medically caused) death than her original paper “Death by Medicine.” The death toll has gone up to almost 900,000 annually from various areas that include hospital stays, surgeries, incorrect or unnecessary procedures and prescriptions.

But the highest death toll comes with adverse reactions from “correctly prescribed” medications and procedures. [1]

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Morality – If You Don’t Like What You’re Getting Then You Need To Examine What You’re Giving

The Jeenyus Corner | October 16 2012

PromiscuityA solid moral foundation is required of any people who mean to be free. That it even needs to be mentioned is a sad testament to just how conditioned we’ve all become to the control grid.

Whether it comes from a religious perspective or one of well grounded logic and dedication to principle, for a society to enjoy the blessings of liberty and self governance – there must be self restraint. The lack of morality in America was cultivated deliberately. It is part and parcel of the plan to reduce us all to servitude.

We fulfill the expectations of the political and money power elite who view us as cattle; as unintelligent beasts, when we behave like savages. Crime, sexual promiscuity and perversions, drug abuse and all the other social ills exist in large part because of a lack of self control. The root of which can be summed up in a colloquial term unheard of when I was younger:

“My baby’s daddy.”

We don’t teach good and evil to our kids any more, we teach tolerance. And what’s resulted is a tolerance of evil. That America is so far off the track is not only because the money power has usurped the gifts our Founding Fathers left us.

It is that we no longer have any shame.

And again, to remedy this we must look within, and stop seeing the problem, but be the change we desire. Divorce, bad manners, rudeness, argument: if you don’t like what you’re getting then you need to examine what you’re giving.