Becoming The Infinite Conscious Creative Force Of Reality

InfiniteManPaul Lenda – When comparing the current overall level of consciousness that we as the human race exhibit to the unlimited potential that we have in every possible way, we are still infants. Going far beyond the shift from the self-centered to the unity-oriented modality of existence, this potential includes becoming the infinite conscious creative force of Reality itself.

It is a seemingly-unfathomable idea to think about, given our current overall level of consciousness. However, the potential is definitely there; we simply have to go through a supramental transformation of consciousness to reach this destination. Focusing on higher mind-states such as peace, love, and happiness, merging biological and technological systems, and the experience of extropy all assist in manifesting such a reality in humanity’s future. The choice whether we become that infinite infinite creative force is ultimately up to us.

Each moment of existence that we spend resisting the realities of interconnectedness, oneness, and the universal laws such as those pertaining to cause and effect as well as attraction is one more moment keeping us away from attaining such an existence.

The concept of infinity is impossible to describe since it has never been experienced by a single human being in its fullness. The idea of consciousness is likewise difficult to describe but as far as consciousness goes, it can be perceived as being one in the same with infinity if the perception is that all is consciousness and so if infinity is, was, and will be the totality of the manifest and unmanifest, then consciousness is infinite. Continue reading