Synchronicity Happens For A Reason

Dreamcatcher Reality – Have you stumbled upon an old friend? Seeing someone doing the same thing or speaking the same words as you? Or maybe experienced an accident? Are you thinking ‘Oh! What a coincidence!’ or ‘I could skip accidents like this…’ Well, you shouldn’t, because every single coincidence brings a message to you. In fact, there are no coincidences and accidents — there’s only synchronicity, and everything happens for a reason.


Revealing Synchronicity — The Science Behind Coincidence

The truth is, everything in our life is linked. From the past, to the present and future — every single coincidence or accident we stumble upon is linked. No matter how small or big a movement is, it is all about synchronicity.

Whether you feel like you are having a perfect day and everything goes smoothly, or experience a bad period in which ‘a lot of coincidences happen,’ the universe is sending you a message. People and things happening in an exact moment is nothing but synchronicity and, fortunately, there is a way to accept it.

Do you know the saying “When the student is ready, the master appears”?

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11:11 And Synchronicity – What Does It REALLY Mean?

synchronicityGregg Prescott, M.S. – How many times have you caught yourself having an 11:11 moment, when you randomly look at the clock and it’s 11:11? How many times has someone said the exact same thing you’re thinking at the exact same moment you thought about it?

These are called synchronicities and there seems to be a lot of them happening right now!

Time synchronicities

A time synchronicity happens when a specific moment in time constantly appears to you. For many people, it’s 11:11 but for others it may be 1:11, 5:55, 12:34 or some number that has a relevant meaning.

For example, if you were born on July 24th, you may see 7:24 a lot.

Word synchronicities

Many people experience word synchronicities. They can happen in real time or by listening to a song or a video on YouTube.

A word synchronicity could happen when you’re thinking about a certain word, person, song, event, etc…

For example, I was writing an article on my laptop while listening to a YouTube interview. At the same exact moment that I was typing the word, “timeline” I heard the same word on an interview I was listening to while writing an article. Continue reading

Synchronicity And The Ever Present Singularity

“Synchronicity is always happening.  As Carl Jung said,  “Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”” Z Gardner

ManSkyDoorStepsIt’s amazing, it’s wonderful, and it’s so significant! I continue to experience and observe the most exponential increase in synchronistic events and communication I have ever witnessed and it continues to unfold daily. Writers, posters and internet information sharers are networking at such a consciously connected level it’s just fantastic, and everything ties into it.

I know for myself, I no sooner write or read or post something on a subject but bam, there’s related stories, videos, articles or personal comments coming into my own and the general information field like a flood. And it continues to increase.

Through thick and thin, good news and bad, our connectivity continues to quicken. That’s something to be encouraged about.

Of Course It Does

That’s how it works. Especially now as the awakening soars into critical mass as if approaching an event horizon. There’s a lot of encouragement to be derived for all of us here. We know we can’t trust the twisted junk media. We have our hearts to guide us, and favorite information sources we each have found and turn to. But the key to all of this is the original Source and getting the best connection possible. Continue reading