The Synthetic Agenda: The Distorted Heart of the New World Order

syntheticMakia Freeman – The synthetic agenda is the over-arching agenda of the New World Order worldwide conspiracy. Think about it – so many aspects of the conspiracy are about supplanting the real with the fake, the organic with the inorganic, the carbon with the silicon and the biological with the artificial. In the synthetic agenda, everything in our world is being threatened with replacement by an inferior version or fake replica of itself – which sells itself as superior so as to increase the acceptance and assimilation of it.

As I covered in the series Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World (part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4), almost everything around us is a facade, fake or fraudulent. For instance, we have vaccines, petrochemical drugs and radiation masquerading as “medicine”, foreign corporations masquerading as “government”, mainstream science masquerading as “knowledge”, GMOs masquerading as “food” and fiat paper masquerading as “money”. However, as David Icke in Phantom Self has been saying, the deeper reason is that all these fake things are being created from some sort of virus or distorted force that has hacked the source and digital-genetic code of life itself – and is madly spewing out an inferior version of everything in the only way it knows how. Ultimately, this force is using the synthetic agenda to entrain us onto its frequency, and transform us into a hybrid species that will no longer be able to be called human.

Synthetic Agenda: Synthetic Boobs, Synthetic Clothes, Synthetic Food

People laugh at how some women go in for a boob job – but how interesting that synthetic boobs are made from silicone implants. Scratchy synthetic clothes are indicative of the synthetic agenda too. A synthetic material such as nylon is inferior to many natural materials and fibers such as cotton, wool, hemp and silk.

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