Obama Vows Escalated War OF Terror

terroristStephen Lendman – Post-9/11, America deceptively launched what it called a Global War on Terrorism.

It’s a war OF terrorism on humanity, using its military might along with rogue NATO and other partners, currently supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

Following state-sponsored false flags in Paris and San Bernardino, US Middle East aggression escalated, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS.

Speaking from the Pentagon on Monday after meeting with his national security advisors, Obama lied claiming US “armed forces continue to lead the global coalition in our mission to destroy the terrorist group ISIL.”

Fact: Washington supports terrorist elements it claims to oppose, mainly ISIS.

Obama lied claiming US and partnered forces “on the ground are rooting ISIL out, town by town, neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block.” Just the opposite is true.

Fact: Syria’s military is the only ground force fighting ISIS and other terrorists – effectively retaking earlier lost territory with formidable Russian air power help, hitting multiple terrorist targets daily with deadly accuracy.

Fact: US and coalition partners try countering their successes by aiding their terrorist foot soldiers. Continue reading