Stepping Into A Greater Flow Of Life

Love Your Design | November 25 2012 | Thanks, Minty

Did you hear that loud POP! It was me coming out of the confusion I’ve been in for 48 hours. I can feel the slime falling off me as I climb free.

There’s a whole lot of layers of the life and death motif floating around at the moment. It’s because we are making a major shift in where we put our attention. The mutative individual circuitry meets the ancient survival instincts of the Spleen Centre and we have a whirlpool of confusion.

I was watching a report on the post-Thanksgiving sales yesterday. One economic forecaster explained how great it is that people are applying for more credit cards so they can buy more. Apparently that means consumer confidence is up. Really? I can think of other reasons, just as worthy of our consideration. But no, let’s grasp for the one that offers us at least a faint if delusional hope of being rescued from our fears of annihilation.

In my life at the moment I have five situations where I feel stuck in a life and death struggle. Where I feel I should behave in particular ways, because that will create various forms of good. In each case the behaviour required of me goes against what feels right for me. I’ve been trying to explain, apologising for myself, trying to make sense of my part in it all. And here’s the rub. When we sacrifice ourselves to the greater good we are acting out of a collective survival fear. And that fear is death, annihilation of self and the entire human race. This fear is so deep within our consciousness, and woven so tightly through all our relationships that our own life force energy is barely a blip on the radar by comparison.

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