It’s Time To Bust It Up

The Controlled Major Mass Media is the Organized Crime Cabal’s official public mouthpiece which they use to Mind-kontrol and Psyop the American People. Now it’s time to bust up this News Cartel.

The Major Mass Media has been systematically consolidated into what is essentially little more than a USG Propaganda and establishment mouthpiece used to Psyop and mind-kontrol the American People.

It is this transformation of an unconsolidated Major Mass Media into the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) that has essentially created a News Monopoly which is owned by the OCC through Cutouts.

This makes all nationally broadcast news quite easy for the OCC to control and control the American Mass Mind rather easily.

From now on when you think of the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) think of Organized Crime which is the entity that owns and control it through Cutouts. Also think about how the CMMM now has the power to construct the social reality for the American People.

Yes, the OCC has been able to transform the Major Mass Media into their own Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

MediaOwnershipUSYes, the OCC attained enough power to transform the Major Mass Media into their own illegal News Cartel (the CMMM), the largest Mind-kontrol and Psyop delivery system ever developed.

And yes, the consolidation of the Major Mass Media into the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) created a true Monopoly which is completely illegal despite the fact the OCC’s lawyers have worked hard to conceal it. Look, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, behaves like a duck, then it is a duck no matter what the duck claims.

And this incredibly high level of control the OCC has established over all our National and International News is now a fact of life.

It has allowed the OCC (best described perhaps as the “Establishment”) to actually Psyop and mind-kontrol the American people and create an artificial reality for them that is not only completely false. Continue reading

Is Democracy Dead In The West?

“This is the “New Democracy.” It is a resurrection of the old feudal order. A few super-rich aristocrats and everyone else serfs obliged to support the ruling order. The looting that began in Greece has spread into Ukraine, and who knows who is next?” – P C Roberts

PaulCraigRobertsWe will find out the answer to the question posed in the title in the outcome of the contest between the new Greek government, formed by the political party Syriza, and the ECB and the private banks, with whose interests the EU and Washington align against Greece.

The Spartans, whose red cloaks and military prowess struck fear into the hearts of both foreign invaders and Greek opponents in the city-states, are no more. Athens itself is a ruin of its historical self. The Greeks, who were once to be contended with, who were able with 300 Spartans, supplemented with a few thousand Corinthians, Thebans, and other warriors, to stop a one hundred thousand man Persian army at Thermopylae, with the final outcome being the defeat of the Persian fleet in the Battle of Salamis and the defeat of the Persian army in the Battle of Plataea, are no more.

The Greeks of history have become a people of legend. Not even the Romans were able to conquer Persia, but little more than a handful of Greeks stopped the attempted Persian conquest of Greece.

But the Greeks, despite their glorious history, could not stop their conquest by the EU and a handful of German and Dutch banks. If the Greece of history still existed, the EU and the private banks would be cowering in fear, because the EU and the private banks have ruthlessly exploited the Greek people and represent the same threat to Greek sovereignty as Persia did.

Greece, stripped of its independence by its EU membership and acceptance of the euro as its currency, has lost is sovereignty. Without control over its own money, Greece cannot finance itself. Greece must rely on private banks from other countries. In the 21st century European private banks are not allowed to lose money simply because they are incompetent and over-lent to EU member countries. This is not considered to be the fault of the banks, but of the borrower governments and populations.

According to reports, the American bankster firm, Goldman Sachs, sometimes known as Gold Sacks, hid Greek debt from view in order that banks would extent more credit to Greece, thus setting the Greek people up for looting.

The EU’s disingenuous argument is that this bankster trickery benefitted the Greek people. The people enjoyed the resources from these loans. Therefore, the Greek people must pay back the loans through reductions in old age pensions, through unemployment, through lower wages, and through the sale of Greek national assets.

This is the austerity that has been imposed on ordinary Greek people by the EU and Greece’s creditors. Continue reading

How Usury Encloses The Commons

“The idea that people need to pay for the land they live on from the moment they were born is strictly for humans only. No other species has a brain powerful enough to spin reality into such absurdity.” – A Migchels

T the Trillions that they rake in in Usury every year allow the Bankers to hire endless numbers of fools in pretty suits to explain it’s all for the greater good and they have their media parade these people before an ever more desensitized public. This particular specimen, Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway, while trying to sell water meters to the Irish, managed to say on Irish television ‘water does not just fall out of the sky, you know’.
The Trillions that they rake in in Usury every year allow the Bankers to hire endless numbers of fools in pretty suits to explain it’s all for the greater good and they have their media parade these people before an ever more desensitized public. This particular specimen, Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway, while trying to sell water meters to the Irish, managed to say on Irish television ‘water does not just fall out of the sky, you know’.

The Enclosure of the Commons is an ongoing process, in which the peoples of the World are disowned from their natural heritage. Paying for their own land, their own water and soon their own sunlight and air. It’s an integral part of our complete enslavement.

Usury has, throughout the ages, driven this disownment of the commoner.

Complete liberation of the Commons is a key goal in the struggle for real economic freedom. Commoners have a right to access to their fair share of the Commons at cost price.

The Commons are “the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of a society, including natural materials such as air, water, and a habitable earth.”

The difference between the Commons and Capital is that Capital goods were created by men, the Commons were created by God.

Capital should be owned by its creator or by those who have purchased it. The Commons are part of our common heritage and every human being has by natural law rights to his fair share in them.

Capital goods that were created in the common interest, with public means, must also be considered part of the Commons. For instance a public railway system.

The commoner is anybody with rights to the Commons.

The historical context

Continue reading

Robbing Peter

“. . . In robbing Peter, the individuals performing the robbery will not be dressed like the individual in the photo [below]. They will be wearing suits, and they will present themselves as legitimate authorities, carrying out the law. Unlike a customary robbery, there will be no authority to complain to; there will be no means of recourse. Your wealth, however large or small, will be lost.” J Thomas

“A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” – George Bernard Shaw

“Since the beginning of recorded history, the business of government has been wealth confiscation.” – Ron Holland

The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” – Vladimir Lenin

RobberCartoonOn 16th March 2013, the banks of Cyprus, with the approval of the Cyprus Government, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, confiscated private savings of accounts exceeding €100,000.

At the time, there were two readings of the unanimous approval by four bodies. As the confiscation was presented to the public, the unanimous approval implied that the confiscation was above board. To those who looked a bit deeper, however, the unanimous approval meant that, not only had the four bodies clearly been working on the plan for some time, behind closed doors, but it also demonstrated that all four bodies colluded to steal a significant amount of privately owned money. Continue reading