Joshua Krause ~ Baking Soda: Stock Up For All Your Hygienic Needs

Ready Nutrition  May 24 2014

Aluminum-free baking soda recommended ~g

BakingSoda_AluminumFreeThere are countless uses for baking soda, and I could never possibly list them all. I doubt there is any off-the-shelf substance that is cheaper or more versatile, and lately there’s been an explosion of “do it yourself” recipes and concoctions on the internet. It’s been used for dealing with rashes, bug bites, cleaning dishes, cleaning clothes, heartburn and lord knows what else. Today I’m going to focus on a particularly useful niche. Personal Hygiene.

Almost everything listed below are examples I use daily. Not only that, but I’ve used them without mixing the baking soda with anything else. This stuff is pretty incredible in its powdered form, and that makes it a must have for Preppers. Sure, there’s plenty of recipes out there that will make it way easier and comfortable to use. But, Preppers need things that are simple, portable, and cheap. What if you don’t have all of the ingredients to make your favorite shampoo? After disaster strikes, you won’t be able to run down to the store and pick up your apple cider vinegar.

Never fear, because baking soda’s got your back, and you can use it all by itself. Speaking of shampoo…

For Your Hair

This was one of the first things I used it for. Shampoo had a habit of sucking all of the oils out of my hair, making the strands go completely dry and flat. This gave my hair a kind of… teenage Bieber appearance (yuck). By lathering the baking soda into my scalp, it would clean out about 80-90 percent of the naturally occurring oils, leaving just enough behind to give it a healthy appearance and shape. Not only that, but the baking soda seems to work wonders with dandruff, almost as well as head and shoulders (and with a lot less chemicals than any commercial shampoo). Continue reading