Stretch out Your Wings and Soar!

Emergent Souls in the Shift: Stretch out Your Wings and Soar!Open – Dear Emergent Souls, yes it’s complex out there in the Shift right now, yes the shadow continues its machinations, yes plenty around you are conditioned into the high-tech metaverse. BUT, there’s a crucial reason YOU can see it. It’s BECAUSE you’re emerging from it! So take heart, have faith. Let your soul dream big and keep centering in the Sacred Ground of Being. Transcend the density by feeling the expansiveness emergent from it. You were seeded here for this. You’ve got this…

Beyond the Feeling of Dark and Heavy

I know that when you take a look around you in the Shift right now, at all those who’re still engrossed and duped into the shadow system, that it can, at times, feel dark and heavy. This is where focus and attention are going to help you greatly. Notice the boulders on the path, yes, BUT, focus on the path between them!… Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Friday, October 23, 2015

In Colorado – photo by Neslin

First Quarter Moon in Pisces: step out (of comfort zone) and take action (engage your will)

Goddess of Wisdom: Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings, The Mother

God of Will/Desire: Elias, God of the West, God of Alchemy and Elements

Skill: do it a different way

True Alignments: attuning to cosmic phases, observing from a distance, objectivity, seeing the true nature, strength in tradition, guidance, destinations and goals understood, fresh perspectives and alternatives, true enrichment, scenes on the journey of life, grace under fire

Catalysts for Change: aimless or lost/out of sorts/disconnected, extreme indecision, falling into watery depths of addictions, overly focused on details, emotional underworlds, words that cut, illusions, secrets coming to light, self-sabotaging decisions

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The light of the Great Moon Mirror in the Sky continues to grow, illuminating new paths or expansions of the path we are on.

Today’s energy takes us along familiar roads, places, or mental spaces we have been before. Mercury, The Traveler and The Messenger, travels to the degree of “circular paths,” which brings blasts from the past, repeating situations and choices, and, most importantly, the opportunity to do something differently — to do it better based on what’s been experienced and learned. Continue reading