Helen Joyce Explains How Trans Ideology Spreads [Video]

Niamh Harris – Irish journalist Helen Joyce has been causing quite a stir.

YouTube recently removed her conversation with Jordan Peterson ((due to vague accusations of “hate speech” and “inciting violence”) and the BBC doesn’t invite her on air anymore. Among her crimes Joyce is guilty of believing that there are two sexes and not being afraid of saying it out loud.

During an interview with Peter Boghossian, the bestselling author and director of advocacy at Sex Matters, talks about the differences between men and women and discusses how trans ideology spreads and gets defended in organizations. Continue reading

Biden Gives ‘Black American Of Courage’ Award To Robert Downey Jr.


Biden Gives ‘Black American Of Courage’ Award To Robert Downey Jr.WASHINGTON, D.C. — During a prestigious ceremony held at the White House, President Biden bestowed the “Black American of Courage” award to actor Robert Downey Jr. for his pivotal role as a black man in the 2008 movie Tropic Thunder.

Awarding the white actor a black award equitably follows in the footsteps of First Lady Jill Biden, who recently gave the International Woman of Courage Award to a fat guy from Argentina squashed into a dress and caked with makeup to show young women around the world to never give up on their dreams of being crushed into oblivion and wiped from the history books. Continue reading

Children Who Think They’re Transgender Just ‘Going Through A Phase’

NHS Now Says Most Children Who Think They’re Transgender Are Just ‘Going Through A Phase’Niamh Harris – The NHS is now claiming that most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase” and now warn that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.

It seems that the National health service is desperately trying to distance itself from its previous stance after mutilating children and young people who were, it turns out, simply ‘going through a phase.’

NHS England announced plans for tightening controls on the treatment of all under 18s who question their gender, including a ban on prescribing puberty blockers outside of strict clinical trials. Continue reading

Child Abuse On A Civilizational Scale

Child Abuse On A Civilizational ScalePaul Rosenberg – This is not something I ever wanted to write or even imagined writing. And yet, here we are. I’ve been receiving a stream of reports from wildly divergent sources, all saying the same things.

The fact is that child abuse is being perpetrated on a civilizational scale… massively financed on a civilizational level. This needs to be addressed.

And yes, I’m talking about the transgender thing. It’s being shoved down the throats of children, young children, world wide. And it is damaging those children. I am reliably informed that more than 40 percent of children in Sweden, of all places, are confused as to whether they are a boy or a girl.

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DeSantis Slams Doctors Who Want to Castrate Young Boys

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has slammed doctors who perform so-called “gender-affirming care” to young children, and has urged authorities to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

“[They] talk about these young kids getting ‘gender-affirming care.’ They don’t tell you what that is,” Gov. DeSantis said on Wednesday. “They’re actually giving very young girls double mastectomies; they want to castrate these young boys. That’s wrong.” Continue reading