Schools’ Transgenderism Push Is Causing Increase In Student Suicide Rate

Schools’ Transgenderism Push Is Causing Students to Commit SuicideSean Adl-Tabatabai – There has been a sudden and sharp rise in suicides in schools where minors are exposed to transgender ideology and encouraged to use hormones and puberty blockers, according to a shocking new report.

“Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable,” warned Jay P. Greene, senior research fellow at Heritage’s Center for Education Policy, the study’s author. Continue reading

How ‘Social Justice’ Threatens Everything [Video]

social justiceAlexandra Bruce – I have been reeling since my recent discovery of Dr Michael Rectenwald, because I’ve had a similar ideological trajectory and recent, unexpected upheaval. I even studied for a year at NYU, where he was a professor.

Although my college major at Brown University was called Semiotics, it was actually more like Postmodernist, Marxist-Freudian cultural criticism and at the time, I felt like I was majoring in a nervous breakdown!

Dr Rectenwald joins Alex Newman, publisher of The New American  magazine to discuss the development of the incredibly nefarious Social Justice movement that has recently exploded onto the scene and which has come to define the Democrat Party, Big Tech, Antifa, transnational corporations and the dread New World Order. Continue reading

Amairikuhn Edgykayshun And The Menstrual Equality Act

restroomsJoseph P Farrell – Yes, you read that headline correctly. An institution of “high learning”  in Amairikuhn quackademia has decided that menstrual equality needs to be promoted on its campus(note, I said “high”, not “higher”, because I strongly suspect the people behind this idea – and I’m using the term “people” loosely here – were high when they proposed it).

And, lest one leap to what would be under normal circumstances a rational conclusion and believe that this is happening in some explosion of bloviation at Harvard square, the Rockefailure University of Chicago, or the quackademies of Nuttyfornia, think again, for not to be outdone in edublithering lunacy, a quackademy in the Amairikuhn heartland has decided that the absence of access to menstruation products in men’s lavatories could, in fact, be construed as an offense and injustice to transgendered women using the men’s restrooms on the campus of the “University” of Arkansas’ Fayetteville campus, according to this story shared by K.M.: Continue reading

Manufactured Reality: When Everything Becomes Fake

fakeTim Jones – If Plato were to come back today and see for himself what the modern world has become, he would be amazed at how accurate his description of reality was with his Allegory of the Cave. In it, he wrote that everything we see is just like shadows that are cast on the walls of a cave by a fire and that it takes stepping out from the cave in order for a person to see what is real rather than the artificial reality of shadows.

It was Immanuel Kant who further elaborated on Plato’s cave in his seminal book Critique of Pure Reason as to what we can ultimately know based on Reason and that which we can’t. In his book, Kant breaks down reality into two categories: phenomenon and the noumenon.

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Whistle-Blowing Clinicians Demand An End To Transgender ‘Experiment On Children’

ChildrenNiamh Harris – Five members of staff from Britain’s only NHS gender clinic for children have quit over fears children as young as three are going through unnecessary gender reassignment treatment.

Clinicians from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS)
warn that the clinic is risking a “live experiment” by sending hundreds of children for life-changing medical intervention without sufficient evidence of its long-term effects.

The Mail Online reports: It was feared some gay children struggling with their sexual identity are being incorrectly diagnosed as transgender. Continue reading