Strategic Deployment – Trey Gowdy Defends FBI and DOJ – Spygate Was Justified…

Swamp Creature Treytor Gowdy

Sundance – Last night on Fox News Representative Trey Gowdy stunned many people with multiple comments.  There are multiple aspects to the interview that were/are alarming.

In one segment Gowdy stated the Mueller investigation was both a criminal and counterintelligence investigation.  Moments later Mr. Gowdy proclaimed his advanced knowledge of the innocence of FBI Director James Comey and Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe surrounding Spygate.

In another segment Gowdy, a former prosecutor himself, asserted that President Trump should sit down with Robert Mueller for a dangerous inquisition by a team of political prosecutors hired specifically because of their adverse ideology.

 See interview here.

In a well-timed (pre-planned) follow-up, Trey Gowdy appeared on CBS this morning to finish execution of the plan.  Notice Norah O’Donnell has her carefully crafted (pre-written) bullet-point questions at the ready.  Watch: Continue reading

Gowdy: What Comey Calls a Leak, the Rest of Us Call a Felony

comeyRusty – Rep. Trey Gowdy slammed former FBI Director James Comey for minimizing his leak of classified memos to the public, saying anybody else would easily identify his actions as a crime.

During an interview with Fox News host Bret Baier, Comey dismissed his actions in leaking the memos which rehashed personal interactions with the President, several of which have been marked either classified or secret.

Baier questioned Comey on whether or not the memos constituted a “work product.”

“No, it was not. It was my personal aide to memoir,” Comey replied. “I carried two copies of it. One to keep in my personal safe at home, and I left another one at the FBI so the bureau could always have access to it. But I always thought of it as mine, like a diary.” Continue reading

Trey Gowdy Subpoenas FBI and DOJ About Trump Dossier

Trey GowdyThomas – An infamous, and proven-false dossier about President Trump has been circulated during the past years. Many questions have been raised about its origin. In such a historic, heated Presidental election, people want to know who actually commissioned the report?

Most troubling, now we’re learning that Obama’s FBI may have paid for the dossier. Congress has looked into this question but those who know are stonewalling.

Now, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor, is issuing subpoenas and demanding answers!

As Byron York in the Washington Examiner explains:

In the most significant escalation yet in the wrangling between Congress and the FBI over the Trump dossier, the House Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed the bureau and the Justice Department for documents relating to the dossier, the FBI’s relationship with dossier author Christopher Steele, and the bureau’s possible role in supporting what began as an opposition research project against candidate Donald Trump in the final months of last year’s presidential campaign. Continue reading

“Death By A Thousand Cuts” [Video]

Guests on Hannity Include (in no specific order): Judge Napolitano, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Trey Gowdy, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Bill Clinton, and more . . .

 Video participants discuss:

  • Hillary Is Being Thrown Under The Bus
  • Death By A Thousand Cuts
  • Wikileaks
  • FBI
  • Health Issues

“Death By A Thousand Cuts” This Is Why Hillary Can’t Win! She is Being Thrown Under The Bus!

Project Clarity – Hillary Clinton is being “thrown under the bus” by the elite or some power above the elite. The polls are swinging dramatically and will continue to do so as the leaks keep coming.

When MSM starts turning against her and is covering her health in detail it is clear the tide has turned for Hillary. Even Paul Ryan is now getting on board.

Wikileak’s Assange has promised at least 3-4 batches of damning leaks are still coming before the election. The FBI has said more information is coming in several weeks.

Hillary is being waterboarded.

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