So You’ve Woken Up…Now What?

life after awakeningZen Gardner – Many people ask about this or something similar so here’s some thoughts on the subject. I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it.

Question: “What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system because of family and friends?”

This and those like it pose a very broad question since we’re all different and need to be led of our own convictions. However, the answer is fundamentally similar in every case. Continue reading

Expanding Energetically

Expanding EnergeticallyAilia Mira – There is a lot of realigning going on.

Many of us have experienced a lot of expansion and an increase in coherence. This may make it clearer to you what really matters. It may also make you want to say, “No,” to some things that you used to do, and enjoy, simply because you’re now focused on something different.

Also? You may find that all that self-love practice has taken root more than you realized, and you’re now available for something different — your standards have changed. Continue reading

The One Truth worth seeking and seeing

truthThe Angels – There is a great deal of discussion on your planet these days about truth. On a given topic, the word inspires many perspectives in many different people. You have a thirst for truth, and this thirst is one for a deeper Truth – that you live and labor in love, and that all souls, no matter how awkward or misdirected, are also attempting to live and labor in love.

No matter the “facts” of a situation, the love that lives within and beneath all creation is the deepest Truth. It is the Truth worth acknowledging, the Truth worth centering your life around, and the Truth that will keep you in a vibration above all the lower vibrational 3D-“truths” that abound. Continue reading

All Life is Being Re-Made

Alifeilia Mira – We greet you in love. It is always wonderful for us to connect to you, with you. Thank you for opening to us.

The light within you grows and grows, expanding and uplifting your presence. You notice this as some tiredness, some emptiness. Some feelings of being rather empty in thought. Ailia thinks this is brain fog (smile) but it is not. It is the fullness of your being coming in and online. And this energy does not have an agenda. Does not have preconceived ideas or ambitions. This energy IS. Continue reading

Enough is Enough

truthBrenda Hoffman – Perhaps you fear that the world will never again experience sunshine or joy. Nothing is further from the truth because your diligent work of months, years, or even decades is finally showing itself – not as you probably expected, but in the most peaceful way possible.

Instead of ignoring the outer-directed power grabs of various world leaders as has been true in the past, you, en masse, are finding it impossible to deny such is happening. You are banding together regardless of race, religion, or creed. Even though it appears as if the “bad guys” have the upper hand, you fail to acknowledge the majority’s strength. You regress to that outer-directed time when a few controlled the masses.

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