Counting on Votes

Counting on VotesDee Chadwell – As we adjust to the results of this charade of an election, we must face the depths to which this nation has fallen. We are no longer in a place where simply voting can change things. Something terrible is at the bottom of this pit we’ve fallen into, something that must be dealt with before we can count on our votes meaning anything. This is no longer a matter of politics; it’s a matter of life or death; it’s a matter of thought.

Thought is based on one thing: truth. If we cannot connect the dots of fact in a reliable way, we can’t begin to think, and thinking is all that separates us from lower forms of life, all that allows us to stay alive.

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The Integrity of Truth is Emerging

The Integrity of Truth is EmergingLee Carroll – Let’s examine a quote from Kryon:. “Light will find its highest level, truth will find its highest level and it just takes time.”

What does Kryon mean by that phrase?

I want everybody to take a deep breath for a moment. This statement is new for our time. It really is. It’s beautiful. It wasn’t always this way on the planet. Have you got that? In fact, in an older energy, everyone knew that corruption and untruth won the day. Continue reading

How Can You Know Truth?

How Can You Know TruthsOwen K Waters – People often resonate with the metaphysical truths that I write about and have an inner sense that these concepts are accurate and valid. Then, as we are all imbued with the divine quality of curiosity, they ask HOW I could know about these things.

My lifelong primary interest has been to pursue metaphysical truths and that has led me to sift through endless reams of material, distilling it down with the help of my daily meditations into its underlying, simple truths. Continue reading

New Truths and Sacred Cows

New Truths and Sacred CowsJennifer Hoffman – A few years ago I wrote that  ‘We cannot heal the world by putting ourselves on the cross’.  This refers to the end of the Martyred Healer paradigm in which we sacrifice ourselves, our joy, peace of mind and heart in the  name of our ‘light work’, and open ourselves to the Christed Awareness paradigm.

It’s a graduation where we become empowered, joyful, light leaders, embodying the sacred and powerful divinity that forces us to choose between being in service as a servant to others in self limiting sacrifice and the Martyred Healer or of service as a source of inspiration in empowered mastery.   We make this choice, usually unconsciously, every day and in every situation. The choices we consider as being possibilities are determined by our beliefs, what we believe is true and what we believe is possible. Continue reading

Signs You’ve Lost Touch with Your Intuition and Tips to Help Reconnect

Honor Your Intuition. Here’s How…

intuitionLissa Rankin – There’s a lot of buzz about the benefits of tuning into your intuition. We know that intuition helps us make spiritually-aligned decisions, protects us from danger, acts as our inner doctor, gives us the heads-up when we are needed by our loved ones, and serves as the unseen world’s secret gateway to the human world, helping us live our best lives.

But how do you know if you’re tuned in or not? We all have the capacity to listen to our intuition, but sometimes we’re at the mercy of forces that block our ability to interpret our intuition clearly. Continue reading