Finding Balance, Brightness, and Light in the Midst of Conflict

momentLee Harris – Hi Everybody, and welcome to the Energy Forecast for December 2015—the final month of this very strong year.

Before we do anything, let’s take a few breaths together…to clear and release anything that you feel you need to release. Let yourself release any tension in your body or stress you may have picked up from the people around you or from world events of this past month.

An Increase Of Energy And Light

While the second half of November this year doesn’t need to be fully recapped, to say it was intense and brought many shadows to the surface would be an understatement. So over the past few weeks, and certainly coming into this early part of December, many of you will be having a wide range of feelings and reactions.

It’s very intense in the world at the moment, with the amount of energy that is threatening to explode, and this has been building for quite some time. So if you are in shock about what is happening in the world, it can be helpful to remember that the tumultuous change that is going on now was actually seeded long ago and at the moment is coming to a head.

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