Twitter Engineer Confesses: ‘We Censor Conservatives Because We Hate America’

We Censor Conservatives Because We Hate America
Siru Murugesan

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – A senior Twitter engineer has been secretly filmed confessing that the Big Tech giant routinely “censors the right” because employees hate America.

“Twitter does not believe in free speech,” Siru Murugesan was caught saying on hidden camera released Monday by Project Veritas.

“Elon [Musk] believes in free speech,” added Murugesan, who admitted that most of his colleagues “hate” what will happen if Elon successfully takes over the company. Continue reading

New ‘Minister Of Truth’ Demands Power To Edit Tweets

Niamh Harris – Biden’s newly appointed disinformation czar is demanding that ‘trustworthy and verified people’ like herself, should be given the power to edit other people’s tweets.

Minister of truth Nina Jankowicz claims that she wants to make Twitter more like Wikipedia.

So basically Jankowicz, the same person who has a proven track record of pushing disinformation and hyper-partisanship, wants the power to edit tweets she disagrees with. Continue reading

Musk reveals size of Future Twitter bloodbath

Twitter takeover by Elon Musk leads to positive changeJack Davis – Twitter employees reading the tea leaves as they try to discern the future in an Elon Musk-owned company received some bad news last week.

Musk recently prepared a presentation for investors, known as a pitch deck, that outlines some of the moves he’s planning for the social media giant, according to The New York Times.

The deck includes Musk’s plans to expand the company, which in the long run will expand its workforce. Continue reading

Five Steps to Free Speech in Social Media: A Musk Roadmap

free speech on TwitterJonathan Turley – According to reports, Elon Musk is now expected to take over as the temporary CEO of Twitter as soon as his financing of the purchase is finalized. It is good news because buying Twitter may prove a mere skirmish in comparison to the coming battle. Political forces in the United States and abroad are already aligning to resist his effort to restore free speech to social media.

If history has shown one thing, it is that it is easier to lose rights than to regain them. Musk has a product in demand but neither governments nor many of his own employees want to be sold. If Musk is to fulfill his pledge, he will need to take five specific steps to secure free speech protections. Given the interests allied against him, Musk must move quickly if he wants to not only reintroduce but to maintain free speech on Twitter. Continue reading

What a Week This Has Been

changesClarice Feldman – My quiet neighborhood in the capital, which is patrolled by the Metropolitan Police, the U.S. Park Police, and the Secret Service’s Foreign Missions Branch, has been the site of an unprecedented number of crimes.

Someone — identity unknown as far as I know — tried to break into and presumably rob the Peruvian ambassador whose home is about four blocks away. Four blocks in the opposite direction, a sniper shot four people and then killed himself. The roads were blocked by law enforcement.

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