The Path Of A Soul

Beacons Of Light | June 18 2012

There is an energy that crosses the veil every time we say those words: Greetings from Home. You believe that we are sending you this incredible love you feel every time we start talking. We wish to tell you, dear ones, this is something you hold inside of yourselves. You are using us as the reflector. We are the ones that can help you re-member your true magnificence and your true nature. Yet it is challenging, for you have devised a veil that keeps you from re-membering your history, not only your past lifetimes but your true origin – who you are and where you came from. We have told you many times that you are, in fact, the sons and the daughters of the king. You are the ones, the royal family, here to anchor all of the spirits from Home. This is an incredible task that each one of you has asked for. You bring your greatest desires from Home to make a difference here on the planet. You try and hold these energies on Earth, and sometimes it is very successful because you are working with the heart energy. Yet other times they do not work the same way, because of the interface to planet Earth and the veil you have built for yourselves to have this experience.

Many of you say, “Well, let us remove the veil. It is thinning anyway. Let us just take the veil off and play this game without it, with full memory of who we are.” Sounds like fun does it not? The challenge is that the moment you remove the veil, there is no more game. You all go home. There is no purpose for being on the planet when you do not have the veil. You re-member who you are and you are here to learn that through experience. What about these experiences? “I have been collecting only good ones,” you say. “I have been having wonderful experiences on the planet.” But in truth, you are here to collect a wide variety of experiences. Some you call good amazing, or even full of passion. Others you call mediocre, painful, or simply surviving. All of these experiences are extremely valuable to the soul. They are valuable not only to the soul, but also to the collective of humanity itself. You can consider yourself on a mission to collect experiences. We mentioned last month about collecting mistakes, which in many ways are similar to experiences. Mistakes sometimes define who you are, and help you to find strength in your true nature.

Trialitation: Stepping Out of Duality

This day we wish to share with you a little bit more about the veil, and particularly about this energy that travels to and from both sides very quickly. There are positive and negative energies within a field of duality. You are moving from the field of duality into a field of triality, where you will not have the polarity of good and bad, right and wrong, up and down, or love and fear. You will have more options to work with, and you are starting now to see from a much larger perspective. The way to think of it is very simple. Consider a line, polarity, with negative over here and positive over there. As triality comes in you will have a new connection to your higher self, or basically a third point from which you can see everything more clearly. If you were really on this line you could not distinguish where this ends or another begins, because you could only feel the line. Once the perception changes and you strongly connect to your higher self, you experience a different vision. That is now taking place with all of humanity, not only spiritual people. Everyone is learning to see from a new perspective outside of the limitations of duality, and we have labeled that trialitation.

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There Is Only Love! Only Love

loveLD Thompson – Several years ago, I went to see a friend in the hospital. He had survived surgery removing a massive brain tumor, but would not survive long after my visit. I walked in and although he was unable to formulate his thoughts into many words, he smiled and held out his hand, clearly wanting to say something.

“There is only love!” He pleaded for me to understand. “Only love. It’s all there is. Only love. Only love!”

Those were his last words to me. I will never forget the urgency with which he spoke. It was as though delivering this message was the most important thing he had ever had to do. Continue reading

There Is No Death

Jafree Ozwald | June 3 2012

“In the midst of winter, I learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” ~Albert Camus

You are like the Sun. Eternally bright, warm and healing. There is nothing in this Universe that can put your light out. Your brilliance will continue on and on… for eternity. Your inner light is always on, blazing bright and expanding. You shine without even knowing you are shining. The light of your awareness is continuous, even when the mind clouds your vision the Sun is always always shining behind it.

The light that you are is forever here now. There is always a flame burning within you. Even when you think all is lost, hopeless and dark, it is there. Even after your body wears out, and you physically leave this amazing vehicle, you will see that the light of your creative lumin-essence goes on and on. Something will continue to experience life, reality, and consciousness. Death is the greatest illusion of them all.

If you truly want to get the most out of your time and experience the greatest experiences possible on Earth, you must first accept deep in your heart that there is no end to this experience called life. You must know it deep down, so it becomes a part of you. When you trust that which never dies is forever inside you, eternally free at the core, you become fearless and unstoppable in all that you do. Every thing you do becomes successful. Any goal you want to achieve will manifest because you will have no fear. Your approach will be unfailing because you have nothing to gain or lose. You can finally leap into the unknown with total faith, courage, enthusiasm and joy!

The person who realizes that he/she is not really a person, but a soul that lives in this body is the only one who can truly be unconditionally loving and free. Everyone else will give love with conditions and be attached to some form of expectation. This is because they are attached to their ego, thoughts and body on some level. They think this form is all that they are and thus are limited by it. The advanced being knows otherwise. The truly liberated soul has realized that they are pure undifferentiated consciousness, that is beyond all thought and form, and is grounded and well established in the joy and freedom of being absolute unconditional love.

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Is This Love From The Head Or The Heart?

Bill BallardBill Ballard – In the recent past I have seen many individuals coming together, thinking they have found their one other – their twin soul – only to get disappointed. This disappointment invariably happens when they believe happiness is related to this other and/or they experience love from the head and not the heart.

When you truly love from the heart it does not matter what another says or does to you or whether or not you remain close to them throughout your life. Although you may feel emotion brought to the surface as a reaction to interacting with another, that which you choose to feel is a personal matter. No one has done this to you. Continue reading