Do Atoms Understand Language?

“The idea that somewhere in all the stacked-up universes, there might be a little corner that isn’t made out of matter or energy, but is truly independent of, and different from, sub-atomic particles…this idea confounds people, as if it might mean the end of all existence. It might mean a return to the old myths and fairy tales of the horrific priest-classes. It might mean everything science knows will vanish in a puff of smoke. But what if it doesn’t mean any of these things? What if it means that brutal power and domination could die out? What if it means there is an adventure waiting for all of us, beyond any and all pictures of conventional reality?” (The Underground. Jon Rappoport)

Do atoms understand language?

Why ask such a question?

Because it goes to the heart of the slow-motion car crash that conventional physics has been experiencing for the past hundred years.

The question also puts philosophic materialism into a massive dither, from which it can’t hope to recover.

Conventional physics asserts that the universe is made entirely of particles. Atoms. Quarks, wavicles.

The universe includes the human brain.

Here is a sentence: “The Roman Empire collapsed, ushering in a Dark Age, a time of unprecedented chaos.”

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How To Love Thy Enemy

Jafree Ozwald | June 10 2012

“Immature love says, “I love because I need you”, while mature love says “I need you because I love you.” ~Unknown

CompassionYou may have been fortunate enough to meet someone in life who constantly triggers you. Unknowingly they push some hidden secret button which instantly launches inside you a state of anger, hurt, blame or fear where you turn into a frightened little mouse or a fire breathing dragon. This person could be your best friend, your lover, your mom, dad, sister or brother or neighbor across the street. It could also be an impersonal figure on TV, a political party, a work competitor, or perhaps a group of unjustified “terrorists” you’ve never met in a country you’ve never visited. Anyone who can set you off balance where your sense of peace is instantly lost is your greatest teacher and has a powerful enlightening lesson to give you.

Perhaps you’ve heard of a man named Jesus who spoke many truths, one of them was learning how to love thy enemy. This may be the greatest challenge humanity has ever come across because we simply have forgotten one key ingredient. The essential purpose of this teaching is that you get to immediately be catapulted into your life’s highest vibration and consciousness. When you embrace that person which you absolutely cannot embrace, and love that part which is deeply unlovable, your life takes on a truly profound meaning and mission. You discover a freedom, a limitless joy, and a lightness inside you that cannot and will not ever be disturbed by anything or anyone.

The amount of energy you lose in hating, judging or resisting someone is extremely draining and unnecessary. Whatever you resist, persists. You always become that which you cannot embrace, so no matter how awful the person may be, that one little thing which you just cannot accept about them is the master over you. We create enemies in life because there is something inside of them which we should not, cannot, and absolutely will not own within ourselves. For example, if you are upset and often triggered by your partner because they are a control freak, you are rejecting some part of yourself, at some moment in your day where you’re not ok with having no control. Our issues are always in our tissues, and usually date back many lifetimes or perhaps as recent as your childhood dramas. They can be so ingrained that you may be willing to get divorced, fired, or even choose to leave the country instead of choosing to have compassion for this person and change your reaction to come from love.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~Rumi

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Wingmakers ~ Shifting Paradigms

Want To Know | May 11 2012

Toward Divine Wisdom and Understanding

Hierarchical organization
Chamber 3 - Wingmakers

The wisdom and understanding of our own divine essence is like a beacon that invites us inward toward ever deeper connection with all around us. Yet rather than look within, most in this world prefer to look outward for divine wisdom, thus sustaining a dependence upon a vast hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the Divine. In all our wanderings away from the Divine, humankind has obscured its most compelling features through a persistent belief in limitations arising out of the controlling mechanisms of this hierarchy.

The Divine dances outside of the confines of any hierarchical structures. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all life within the universe. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each soul’s innate design and ultimate destiny. The essence of the Divine is far beyond mental conception, yet humanity’s tendency is to resort to the limiting language of the hierarchical paradigm to define and understand it.

The Hierarchical Paradigm: Searching for Connection and Wholeness

When people are unaware of their inner wisdom and wholeness, they tend to search for order and security outside themselves. Uncertain of their place within the hierarchical order of the world, they define themselves based upon their insecurities. Individuals thus become only pieces of their wholeness and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase, they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty. Within the hierarchy, many in high positions of power have taken advantage of our collective insecurities in attempting to guide the development of all humankind. They have obscured the direct connection between the individual and the Divine through a variety of means designed to intercede between our inner essence and our divine source.

Each individual can come to know themselves to be free of all forms of hierarchical control. This is not to imply that we should not trust others or join together in bonds of friendship and community. It is simply a reminder that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to control. And even when the motive for their controlling behaviors may be of good will, it is still a form of control. When the revealers of “truth” within the hierarchy withhold and suppress information, they are usually positioning themselves to maintain or acquire more power rather than to disseminate empowerment to all.

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Your Divine Spark

Sacred School of Om Na | February 27 2012

Celestial White Beings | With tremendous honour we step forward to exist in the energy of the Earth, we are the Celestial White Beings. Our energy always flows with the greatest of respect to those that we connect with. We see the divine spark of the Creator within each person on the Earth and we ask that this is something that you remind yourself of regularly. Now is the time to allow your divine spark to be creative, expressive and expansive.

The divine energy within your being can be given so many labels, such as your soul, inner truth or higher self. In this communication we wish for you to truly rejoice in the magic within you as if you are our magic students and we for the first time are explaining that you have magical abilities which just need to be realised. The magic within you we will name your divine spark because a spark has the potential of manifesting into something profoundly magnificent and large. Your divine spark within you is the energy of the Creator.

It doesn’t matter about your beliefs of the Creator, which name you offer the Creator or the qualities and actions you believe the Creator holds. The simple understanding needed to begin to realise your divine spark, is that the spark is an aspect of the Creator. The divine spark is whatever you believe the Creator to be and this belief may change over your lifetime and so your divine spark will alter as well. This doesn’t mean that your divine spark exists as your current beliefs or that your divine spark evolves as your understanding expands, but the truth is that your realisation is changing.

Returning to the reference to magic students, we believe that for more people they would be far more likely to believe that they are capable of magical skills than believing that the Creator exists within their being. Others may feel that the possibility of achieving magic and the possibility of the Creator existing within them both feel so distant in terms of experience and so belief is very small. The truth is that you are the Creator and you also hold magical skills, it’s just that you have chosen so far not to recognise both possibilities fully. If you were our magic students we would first start by explain to you where the magical energy within you is situated. We would then share with you how to use the magical energy starting with achieving small miracles and then progressing to greater skills, so let us achieve this now for you.

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The Universe Works With You

Jennifer Hoffman | Uriel Heals
December 12 2011

BeliefDo you know that the universe works with you and not for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you something that you do not want or to create situations that you have not already set an intention for in some part of your reality. The Universal energy does not create something out of nothing. It only creates that which you have already established energetic space for in your own world. As soon as you have defined the desire and set the intention , you set up the vibrations that create the reality. Understanding this is the key to manifestation what you want in life.

When you pray to God, or Source, to ‘fix this problem’ the Universe is unable to respond to you because you have not created anything. Are you accepting responsibility for the situation which you have created, consciously or unconsciously?There is no unconscious creation in the Universe. Create is always equal. And you must create the space for the solution by establishing the possibility for that reality. You may ask for help because you feel that the Universe is far wiser than you are, but that is not the truth of your being. You have all of the wisdom and knowledge of the Universe at your disposal and your ability to use it is only limited by your belief system.

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