Ancient Sunken Cities – 3 Puzzling Enigmas

“Underwater findings such as these three sites give us a new perspective on the history of the human race, and more questions than answers.” – T Newton

Is the truth of human history concealed and buried beneath the oceans? Hundreds of sunken cities adorn the ocean floors of our planet, and dozens of them are believed to be more than 3 millennia old. Although most people are only familiar with the myth of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, sunken ruins of ancient civilizations are as real as the Egyptian pyramids and can offer us many clues about the history of humanity.

Researchers believe that most sunken civilizations were submerged by the end of the last Ice Age about 9,000 to 10,000 years ago, as the massive ice caps covering much of Europe and North America melted. There are also sunken archaeological sites which are believed to have fallen due to seismic activity, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruption.

What makes the following three sites interesting is that they all date back to a time when we have been taught to believe that humans only lived as nomads or in small settlements and were incapable of organizing a large-scale, civilized society. Although some skeptics may continue to argue that structures at these sites were made by nature, many historians and archaeologists are starting to question the mainstream view of ancient human history and continue to seek proof that support their alternative theories that these were man-made, pre-historic civilizations.

Cambay Ruins

Gulf of Cambay
Gulf of Cambay

Found off the coast of India near Pakistan in the Gulf of Cambay, the Cambay Ruins are one of the most ancient of the world’s sunken cities. They were discovered in 2001 by India’s National Institute of Ocean Technology, led by chief geologist Badrinaryan Badrinaryan. Artifacts such as pottery, human bones and sections of wall were recovered from the site.

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