Want To Fix Income/Wealth Inequality? Here’s How

OfTwoMinds  April 30 2014

CharlesHughSmithThere is nothing fancy about these three solutions.

I have covered rising income/wealth inequality for many years in dozens of entries.
 Since Thomas Piketty’s new book has catapulted the topic into the media spotlight, it’s a good time to list solutions that go deeper than Piketty’s proposed global wealth tax–a proposal he characterizes as utopian.

Every solution is utopian, because the Financial Aristocracy and their central bank cronies have democracy by the throat. There is no legislative way to change the Status Quo when political power is for sale to the highest bidder, and central banks are issuing nearly-free money to the financial oligarchy that owns the political machinery.

But listing solutions is still important, because it reveals just how far from democracy, rule of law and free-market capitalism we have fallen. I have been describing various aspects of widening inequality in recent entries:

I propose three straightforward solutions that will systemically rectify wealth and income inequality.

1. Rather than add taxes to fund more social welfare–in effect, placing a Band-Aid over the tumor–let’s start by removing the source of rising inequality: the Federal Reserve.

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