You’re in the right place

uniqueThe Angels – There is no need to be afraid for the world. There is no need to be afraid because the planets are aligned in a difficult configuration. There is no need to be afraid if your loved ones are not in the state you wish them to be.

In truth all upon the planet Earth, including you, are exactly where you need to be for your lessons at this time. Each one has a unique “curriculum,” unique lessons, and unique circumstances in which you have chosen to grow. Always and forevermore, you and everyone else on the planet is exactly where they are supposed to be. All of life is conspiring to help you remember you connection to love.

You ask us frequently, “How can difficult circumstances help me remember my connection to love?! I don’t feel loved when I don’t know how to pay the bills, when my spouse cheated on me, when I have an illness! How is this trying to help me remember love?” Dear ones, those are exactly the right questions to ask.

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