Unpredictable New Moon in Aquarius [Video]

Joseph P Anthony – It’s that time of the month again where we need to plant the seeds of intention. The New Moon in Aquarius on January 27th has us focusing our thoughts on the future. Aquarius is a cool, objective sign, given to friendly detachment and occasionally downloads of cosmic inspiration.


The focus is shaking free of restraints, upgrading, re-modeling and innovating. The shadow of Aquarius is that it can be rebellious to a fault, stubborn, unrepentant and unpredictable. Aquarius can be a breath of fresh air after staid and restrictive Capricorn but in order for there to be a new start, it’s first necessary to negotiate the discomfort of a Venus-Saturn square during this lunation. The New Moon makes no major aspects but it will be influenced by the Venus- Saturn square.

SF Source Joseph P Anthony  Jan. 2017