The State Is Out Of Date [Audio]

“Top down control by a coercive state has been going on for less than 4500 of modern human’s 100,000 years on planet Earth. Its every variation has eventually failed, often bringing down the civilization than it had fed upon.” G Sams

Gregory Sams has been a health food pioneer from the 1960’s. In 1967, he and his brother Craig introduced organic and natural foods to the UK marketplace. After 15 years of catering, Seed magazine, Ceres Grain Store & Bakery, Harmony & Whole Earth Foods, in 1982 Gregory conceived and christened the original VegeBurger.


In the 80’s, he also became fascinated with the scientific ideas of chaos theory, so he founded Strange Attractions, a shop dedicated to chaos theory.

Sams’ lifelong passions, health, culture and consciousness culminated in two books. Continue reading

Hidden Gluten: 7 Foods You May Not Know Contain Gluten

NaturalSociety  October 5 2013

The food industry is known for their ability to rename, reformulate, or simply hide ingredients in order to deceive consumers. Just when people began realizing how bad high fructose corn syrup is, the corn industry introduced “corn sugar” to placate the masses. MSG, one of the most damaging food additives out there, has dozens of other names by which food producers can list it. Now, gluten is on consumer radars, not necessarily because it’s harmful to everyone, but because some people have difficulty digesting it. Gluten-free has become the new en-vogue eating style and food makers know it.

Unlike MSG and HFCS, however, food makers are pretty forthcoming about gluten. They are quick to point out on their labels if something is “gluten-free” because they know they can charge more and hit consumers who currently feel limited by what they can buy while trying to avoid gluten. Or, maybe some companies are trying to help people.

While gluten certainly isn’t the number one culprit in today’s toxic substances department, people are still trying to avoid it. And while many products represent the ‘gluten-free’ label, there are some foods that contain gluten you might not know about.

7 Foods (Potentially) Containing Gluten

Here are 7 foods that may contain gluten that you might not know about. Continue reading