Paul Craig Roberts ~ Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War

Paul Craig Roberts June 27 2013

Bradley Manning“V For Vendetta,” a film that portrays evil in a futuristic England as a proxy for the evil that exists today in America, ends with the defeat of evil. But this is a movie in which the hero has super powers. If you have not seen this film, you should watch it. It might wake you up and give you courage. The excerpts below show that, at least among some filmmakers, the desire for liberty still exists.

Whether the desire for liberty exists in America remains to be seen. If Americans can overcome their gullibility, their lifelong brainwashing, their propensity to believe every lie that “their” government tells them, and if Americans can escape the Matrix in which they live, they can reestablish the morality, justice, peace, freedom, and liberty that “their” government has taken from them. It is not impossible for Americans to again stand with uplifted heads. They only have to recognize that “their” government is the enemy of truth, justice, human rights and life itself.

Can mere ordinary Americans triumph over the evil that is “their” government without the aid of a superhero? If ideas are strong enough and Americans can comprehend them, good can prevail over the evil that is concentrated in Washington. What stands between the American people and their comprehension of evil is their gullibility.

If good fails in its battle with Washington’s evil, our future is a boot stamping on the human face forever.

If you, an American, living in superpower America lack the courage to stand up to the evil that is “your” government, perhaps the courage of Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and tiny Ecuador will give you heart.

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Jon Rappoport ~ Multiplying Scandals To Hide The One Scandal That Could Sink Obama June 15, 2013

Realize, first of all, that the normal attention span of elite media is about three days. If you can jam your version of data down their throats for that length of time, you’re golden.

Then you’re facing another three days. You start all over again.

You being the White House PR flack machine.

The overall effect you’re looking for is: here today, gone tomorrow (or in three days). Nothing sticks.

Therefore, the public, or that part of it that can still think and reflect at all, is yanked from one fragmentary story to another. Sooner or later, surrender comes.

“Do me. Give me your stories. I’ll buy them. Then I’ll forget them. Then I’ll buy the new ones.”

In this climate, there is no process that can be called reasoning. It doesn’t exist. It’s all about What’s New.

Fast&Furious? Old hat. Benghazi? He said-he said. Who cares? The Feds spying on AP reporters? A yawner.

No traction. That’s the goal of every modern White House press corps.

Of course, along come stories that can’t be slid out of the pan and tossed in the garbage. A war. A mass shooting in a school or a theater.

In that case, the White House quickly develops a message. The theme. The takeaway.

“What’s our agenda here? What do we want to leave people with?”

“Mental health. This Lanza kid was a nutjob. Therefore, America needs a better mental health system. The president will announce a new program to install community mental-health centers across the land.”

“And guns. The kid had access to his mother’s guns. Feeds into taking all the guns away. From everybody.”

White House PR flacks spread these messages to the press and enlist the help of Congresspeople to make supporting statements.

They invent reality for the masses.

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The Loss Of The Fourth Estate And The Threat To American Liberty

Christian Post |  November 28 2012

Opinion ~ One of the most chilling realities of the contemporary age in the United States and other Western nations is the demise of the Fourth Estate. The death of a vigorous and free press came when mainstream media and other vital components of the information establishment became propaganda organs for the government.

“If it were left to me to decide whether we should have a government without a free press or a free press without a government, I would prefer the latter,” said Thomas Jefferson.

Edmund Burke, an 18th century British political philosopher, seeded the concept of the Fourth Estate. The “three estates” present in the Parliament were the king, the lords, and the commons. But, said Burke, there was a “fourth estate” that trumped them all –
the press.

The contemporary co-opting of journalists and journalism by politicians and their regimes has led to a polarization of media. As mainstream print and broadcast journalists have veered increasingly to the left, the right has responded with its own conservative media establishment.

This was a necessary development, vital for countering leftist propaganda. But the demise of the Fourth Estate means there’s not much left in the middle to probe for the truth buried somewhere beneath the shrills and shills of left and right. Who can the people trust to give them the plain, unspun facts?

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Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. ~ The Other Petraeus Scandal: Accelerated Militarization Of The CIA

The New American | November 14 2012

Central Intelligence Agency

Why do the powerful cheat?” That is the headline of an article published by USA Today reporting on the alleged extramarital affair carried on by CIA Director General David Petraeus that resulted in his resignation.

That is a sociologically interesting question regarding the lives of eminent men, but a more important question to the political life of our Republic is why powerful men such as Petraeus and his recently reelected boss cheat on their oaths of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.

Arguably, it was Petraeus’ pursuit of a more overtly military role for the intelligence agency that will be his most devastating legacy.

As Robert Wright says in an Atlantic article:

When, in the fall of 2011, David Petraeus moved from commanding the Afghanistan war effort to commanding the CIA, it was a disturbingly natural transition. I say “natural” because the CIA conducts drone strikes in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region and is involved in other military operations there, so Petraeus, in his new role, was continuing to fight the Afghanistan war. I say “disturbingly” because this overlap of Pentagon and CIA missions is the result of a creeping militarization of the CIA that may be undermining America’s national security.

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Mark Anderson ~ Washington Post Finally Breaks ‘Bilderberg’ Silence After Decades of Censorship

American Free Press | June 8 2012

CHANTILLY, Virginia—The Washington Post—whose top managers have long attended the hyper-exclusive Bilderberg Conferences each year and were thanked by Bilderberg leaders for never reporting on the conference—broke decades of silence and gave a respectable reporton Bilderberg 2012 on the front of its Metro section June 2.

“Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates were chauffeured in.” the story in the  Post noted, adding, “Outside the [security] barriers, dozens of protesters and conspiracy theorists—convinced that Bilderberg is a global cabal [of about 120 key members] that runs the world—waved signs and shouted into bullhorns.”

And while the approximately 626-word Post story downplayed Bilderberg’s power and influence, the clunky article revealed that Washington lobbyist Vin Weber, “who has been a presenter at Bilderberg twice,” is an advisor to GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

The Post article also acknowledged that Donald E. Graham, the Washington Post Company’s board chairman and chief executive, is “on the invitation list” for Bilderberg 2012. But the fact is that Graham has attended for many years, yet until now there has been no known Post coverage of Bilderberg gatherings.

That the Post was finally covering Bilderberg first became evident when Post photographer Mark Gail showed up near the front gate of the stately Westfields Marriot hotel June 1, to cover what became a four-day demonstration of hundreds of boisterous protesters whose passionate message gave the arriving Bilderberg attendees something to think about—while these pampered plutocrats, as always, holed themselves up in a posh hotel behind a tight security perimeter, complete with armed guards.

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