Major media build a universe for Hillary

Jon Rappoport – The other day I wandered over to the New York Times to see what their front page looked like.

My, my. It was another universe.

Instead, in this alternate NY Times universe, Trump’s campaign was falling apart. He was singlehandedly destroying the Republican Party and endangering upcoming Senate and House races. Hillary’s poll numbers were in good shape and her campaign was moving in the direction of an expected victory. And to top it off, one of the Times’ potato-head columnists burped out an op-ed about Trump’s “sad, lonely world.”

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

After I recovered, my first thought was: The Times is running cover for a vote-rig on election night: “As expected, Hillary Clinton cruised to an easy victory, sweeping nearly 30 states…”

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Washington Post Anti-Trump Jihad

trumpStephen Lendman – By now, Americans should be numb from outrageously one-sided anti-Trumpism compared to suppressing Hillary’s deplorable public record.

With two months before November’s election, things may get even uglier, media scoundrels perhaps intending an even greater push to get her anointed America’s next president.

The possibility should terrify everyone. Paul Craig Roberts calls her “certifiably insane.” For sure, she’s megalomaniacally driven, Roberts saying “she will take America to war with Russia – which means also China – and Iran.”

I share his justifiable fear, the risk of humanity-destroying war, Hillary comfortable about using nuclear weapons, our main survival threat.

A previous article discussed WaPo editors calling her “exceptional,” – a shameless perversion of truth. A follow-up editorial headlined “Donald Trump’s bet: We are all chumps,” asking:

“Will American voters allow themselves to be insulted, taken for granted and made fools of? Donald Trump seems to be betting…yes.”

WaPo editors lied, saying he “put forward virtually no serious policy proposals.” He discussed his proposed economic and foreign policy agenda in separate addresses, others on healthcare and immigration, providing detailed information.

In contrast, Hillary’s addresses consistently feature profoundly dishonest rhetoric, double-talk recitations without substance, suggesting her pure evil dark side – ignored by supportive media scoundrels.

WaPo editors asked “(h)as (Trump) really made as much money as he boasts? Has he paid taxes? Has he sheltered money in the Cayman Islands, done deals with Russian oligarchs? Who knows?”

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Dear WaPo: I’ve got some ‘fringe’ for you right here

Jon Rappoport – It’s a terrible thing. Really. The pure and sanctified blood of mainstream news is now infected. Where is the protective vaccine? Quick, call the CDC.

medicalWashington Post, December 11, Paul Farhi, “Thanks to Trump, fringe news enters the mainstream”:

“Trump finding common ground with [Alex] Jones is in keeping with Trump’s own rocky relationship with facts and credible information during the campaign. Many of Trump’s more controversial assertions since he declared for president have come from the murky swamp of right-wing, libertarian and flat-out paranoid sources that have proliferated and thrived as the Internet and social media have grown.”

Got it? The germs are multiplying.

Even the Washington Post, center of all that is good and right and true and holy about the news, is under siege. What can be done to protect WaPo from The Fringe? Is it time for Bob Woodward to write a new book? Do they need surgical masks? Hazmat suits? Should they flee underground and turn the whole operation into a level 4 virus lab with steel vaults and air seals? Continue reading

Jonathan Turley ~ Obama Administration Moves Toward Tolls On Interstate Highways

Jonathanturley  May 1 2014

jonathanTurleyI have previously written about the proliferation of toll roads in the United States as governments shift the cost of highways to citizens while spending wildly on foreign wars and losing billions of waste. Congress allows billions to literally disappear in places like Iraq and Afghanistan or give billions in aid to affluent countries like Israel, but it insists that American citizens already struggling financially should be forced to pay to use their federal roads. The change is a fundamental shift in our approach to highways which were viewed as the basic service supplied to taxpayers. However, the Administration has quickly open the door in the new transportation bill to end the long tradition of free federal highways. Of course, do not take too much cash on the highways, because it can be seized by police in the growing number of pretext stops called “policing for profits.”

This move follows states like New Jersey closing bathrooms and ending other basic programs. It seems that there are fewer and fewer benefits that citizens can expect for their taxes. They must pay the government and then pay again to use basic government services. This is an effective tax disguised as a toll that will hit low income people the hardest and add a new barrier to their securing or maintaining jobs. I could not care less about the cost but there are many, many families where this seemingly small added toll will be a hardship. It is cumulative for such families. At every turn, they are being asked to pony up for government services. While the Administration and Congress talks a good game about fighting for the shrinking middle class, it routinely shifts more and more costs over to such families while using tax dollars to literally deliver bags of money to such corrupt officials as Hamid Karzai.

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Incestuous Media Breeds An Ignorant Public

TruthstreamMedia  August 6 2013

Donald E. Graham

Now we know at least one of the reasons why billionaire founder Jeff Bezos has been attending Bilderberg with frequency in the past few years.

Bezos just announced his purchase of the Washington Post, long owned by the Graham family. Reuters reported:

Amazon Inc founder Jeff Bezos has agreed to buy the newspaper assets of the Washington Post Co, including its flagship daily, for $250 million.


Washington Post Chairman and Chief Executive Donald E. Graham, whose family owns the paper, said it would be better served with another owner.

Both Jeff Bezos and Donald Graham are frequent attendees at the secretive Bilderberg confab, though it’s not clear if they ever attended simultaneously. As owners of the Washington Post, both Donald and his mother Katherine Graham (now deceased) have been long time attendees and close collaborators in carrying its agenda while maintaining quiet about the influential meeting itself. This is evident in David Rockefeller’s well known quote from 1991 at the Baden, Germany Bilderberg meeting:

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